
Read an RSS feed and submit any new links to Twitter using PHP5.

Primary LanguagePHP

RSS to Twitter using PHP.

By: Colin Devroe


Grabs an RSS feed and updates a Twitter account with a link to any new post based on a specific category in Wordpress.


  1. Edit $feedUrl
  2. Edit $categoryToTwitter (e.g. ‘Mobile photos’ or ’’ for all)
  3. Edit $cachedir (must be writable)
  4. Edit $twitter with user/pass
  5. Copy to server.
  6. Set up cron job. Example: /usr/local/php5/bin/php /path/to/script/rss2twitter.php

That’s it!

To do:

(If anyone would like to take these on, please feel free.)

  1. Optimize the code and caching.
  2. Make caching optional
  3. Add support for posts attributed to multiple categories

Version History:

0.4 – January 25, 2010
- Changed wpUrl to feedUrl
- Changed shortUrl to $post→link

0.3 – January 24, 2010
- categoryToTwitter is optional
- Took away the “plural category name” check

0.2 – January 22, 2010
- Slight code clean up.
- A few readme changes.

0.1 – December 6, 2009
- Initial codebase.