
Guide on fullstack development

TornikeO's guide on fullstack development

Who is this guide for

Someone who wants to:

  • to publish their work online, as website or an API
  • know how to find a low cost alternatives when hosting a website

Tools + how to test if you know one

  • You need a way ship all dependencies of an app, with the app. Including the OS itself:
    • Tools:
      • Docker, and docker compose
    • Test yourself:
      • Easy:
        • Run ubuntu image locally
        • Connect to the ubuntu instance and create a file named "new.txt" at the root
        • Copy that file to your host system
      • Medium:
        • Create new git repo. Add docker-compose.yml file. Two services, one with python (or any other language) and other with database (any database).
        • Connect one container with the other. Update the database with the language.
      • Hard:
        • Create an alpine python dockerfile.
        • Add git to the container, using a multistage build.
  • Creating the UI:
    • Tools:
      • Svelte, Sveltekit (Or any other JS framework, as long as you don't know how to work with it in advance.)
    • Test yourself:
      • Easy:
        • (Bonus) Create nodejs docker enviornment, and start working there
        • Follow official guide of that framework to create a simple static website.
      • Medium:
        • Deploy the website as a github pages application.
      • Hard:
        • Do the deployment to github pages in a single command (you might be able to find an npm package that does this)
        • Redeploy the static website as an aws s3 static website. Follow the official aws guide for this.
  • Creating the backend:
    • Tools:
      • Python, NodeJS or Java (For hard mode, use a language that you don't primarily work with)
    • Test yourself:
      • Easy:
        • (Bonus) Create a docker backend enviornment, and start working there
        • Choose a backend framework for the language
        • Find and the official guide creating a simple echo service for that framework, using that language
      • Medium:
        • Create database container, and save something within the database
      • Hard:
        • Do all the above using a language you don't work with everyday. Track the time you spent on this. Try to complete all this within 1-2 hours. Be careful and don't spend time staring at the screen, instead, read the docs or choose another framework/approach.
  • Hosting:
    • Tools:
      • Google cloud and aws:
    • Test yourself:
      • Easy:
        • AWS:
          • Manually upload a file to s3 storage (using web UI).
          • Create a python script that uploads 5 images to the s3 storage (creating a bucket if it doesn't exist yet).
        • GCloud:
          • Manually upload a file to gcloud storage (using web UI).
          • Install gcloud cli, auth, and upload a folder to a gcloud bucket (check the docs for this)
        • In both cases:
          • Make the download URL available publicly (test out the download with a private browser window)
      • Medium:
        • AWS:
          • Create a lambda service, using aws web UI. Query the lambda service using the language of your choice.
          • Create lambda service, using a container. You'd have to:
            • Create dockerfile.
            • Create an aws elastic container repository (ECR) using web UI
            • Use upload your docker image to ECR.
            • Use web ui to deploy container to ECR. Make sure to follow and the AWS guide on this (aws container on lambda).
        • GCloud:
          • Create gcloud run container service in a single line (hint: gcloud run deploy ...), make sure to conform to container restrictions.
        • In both cases query the service to get the expected outputs.