
🏝 /mɑːɡ/ 一款弹性的模块化 CMS 博客系统

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Mog 🏝 /mɑːɡ/

A flexible, modular Blog System. Open source. Free forever.

version wakatime

Mog is a modern blogging system that is easy to extend. It breaks through the use of microservice architecture, in the structure design is modular and flexible. You can easily customize it to meet your needs. More can be through the interface to develop their own front/middle background, can also be through the plug-in to develop their own functions.

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⚠️ Mog v2 is currently under development and we have not provided documentation for its use. When we have an alpha version ready for testing, we will post a link to the documentation here. Until then, contributors are welcome to help implement this project.     CONTRIBUTE    

Table of Contents


  • Microservices architecture to improve the scalability and stability of the v1 version of the service.
  • Enhances community norms for developer and user friendliness.
  • Project will always be open source.
  • Extended portability with a plug-in system.
  • Use a templating engine, which allows fast front-end development.


There are a lot of blogging systems for users on the market, but it seems that they all follow the same route, and we want to break through this limitation. For this reason, we used a microservice architecture, which was the first time our team had used it for a blogging system, and it brought stability and flexibility to the services that we didn't have on the market.


Another reason is actually to see some paid blogging system projects, but those projects don't seem to be worth it as a paid project, we don't want so many people to pay for a project that is not very good, it's not worth it. And as far as we know, the underlying framework used by some charging projects is not secure because of anti-sequence vulnerabilities.

We also is not say which good or bad, but don't think there's a certain charge blog project is stable, for users need to choose carefully, once bought a bug is a blog that is not good, but open source blog system, first of all, you can guarantee the community driven. Second, you can enjoy the benefits of open source, such as no fees, more maintenance members, uniform specifications, etc.


Project Description Status
mogland/core Mog Core GitHub package.json version
mogland/console Mog Console GitHub package.json version
mogland/mog-docs Mog Documentation GitHub package.json version
mogland/awesome-mog Mog Ecosystems List GitHub Top languages


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The project makes reference to the following projects:


The project is an open source project licensed by AGPLv3. Any secondary development or derivative projects that use this project must also be open source.


Mog © Wibus, Released under the AGPL-3.0 License. Created on 2021-09-25.

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