
A drawing software, inspired by Microsoft Paint.

Primary LanguageC

🖥️ my_paint 🖌️


Table of contents 📑

Description 📝

The my_paint is a project carried out by groups of 2 (see Contributors, during our 1st year in EPITECH Grand Ecole program.
Its purpose is to create in C a drawing software, inspired by Microsoft Paint.
The aim of the project is to create a software interface for drawing and creating images.

Usage ⚔️

You can run my_paint like this :


For more information, please see the help section or the tutorial.

> ./my_paint -h

    A simple paint software made by Gianni TUERO and Nicolas TORO.

Result 🚩

The result of this project is an almost perfect my_paint.
If you discover a problem or an error, don't hesitate to create an issue and report it to us as soon as possible.

my.epitech.eu result

Category Percentage Numbers of tests Crash
Minimal functions 100% 1/1 No
repository size 100% 1/1 No
Results 100% 2/2 No

Detailed mark

We got the best my_paint of our class.

Project Mark :

Mark : 30
Preliminary (2 / 2) :

Window management (2 / 2) :
The software can be minimize or enlarge = 2
Mouse event (1 / 1) :
You can use mouse click to interact with at least one object (button for example) = 1 (describe later)
Basic button (2 / 2) :
You have at least 1 button having 3 differents states (NOTHING, HOVER, PRESSED, UNPRESSED ...) = 2
Menu bar (2 / 2) :
At least one option of the menu bar have drop down options = 2
Call back on file option (2 / 2) :
You can enter the name of the file when selecting new, open or save file options (console input are OK too) = 2
Call back on edition option (2 / 2) :
You can use the tool selected in interface = 2
Call back on help option (3 / 3) :
A message is display in the window OR console to explain how to use the software = +1
Side menu (2 / 2) :
A side menu is a drop down menu, and you can choose some other option = +1
Drawing feature (1 / 1) :
You can draw hand free in the picture using a framebuffer. The event MouseMoveEvent have to be use (need to open code) = 1
Save (2 / 2) :
You can save your picture AND choose format by the file menu and save file = +1
Layer management (2 / 2) :
You can create layer mask (mask on layer) = +1
Other tools and shapes (4 / 6) :
Simple shape drawing = +1
You can use other tools = +1
Complex shape drawing = +1
Other options in menu bar (1 / 2) :
undo/redo operations = +1
Bonus (2 / 15) :
Roue de couleur

Tests and code coverage

Unit tests were performed using criterion.
In this project, only the library code is covered.
Unit tests are still to be performed, but a large part of the code is already covered.

You can compile the project and run the unit tests with this command :

make tests_run

Compilation 🛠️

You can compile the project with this command :


If you want clean the project, you can run this command :

make fclean

You can clean and compile the project with make re.

You can compile the unit tests with this command :

make unit_tests

Code mandatory 📦

  • You'll need to create a branch where you'll push your code. Once you've completed your tasks on this branch, we'll work together to merge it and check that everything works.
  • Every function you add must be code-style.
  • Before merging, you'll need to check that all unit tests pass by running make tests_run.
  • Each commit will contain [+] or [-] or [~] followed by a message
    • [+] : Add feature
    • [-] : Delete feature
    • [~] : Edit feature

Of course, in exceptional cases, we may depart from these rules.

What's next ? 🚀

  • Finish the selection tool
  • Add the copy/paste tool
  • Add documentation on each functions
  • Add unit tests on each piece of code

Contributors 👥

For this project, we were a group of 2 people. Here are the people in the group: