
Lifecycle: experimental CRAN status R-CMD-check

🚩🚩 {shinytest2} is in beta developement. Please report any bugs or feedback at 🚩🚩

{shinytest2} facilitates the testing of {shiny} applications using a headless Chromium web browser via {chromote}. Using the latest features of {testthat} edition 3, snapshot files are saved for each of the expected values.


You can install the development version of shinytest2 from GitHub with:


Recording a test

To record a test for an existing {shiny} application, use the record_test() method:


When a recording is saved, both the test file (./tests/testthat/test-shinytest2.R) and specialized test runner (./tests/testthat/testthat.R) will be saved to disk.

Test example

The saved recording will look similar to

# ./tests/testthat/test-shinytest2.R

test_that("values are captured", {
  app <- AppDriver$new(name = "unique-name")

The call to app$expect_values() will save an expected snapshot to ./tests/testthat/_snaps/shinytest2/unique-name-001.json.

In addition to the expected snapshot, a debug screenshot file will be saved to ./tests/testthat/_snaps/shinytest2/unique-name-001_.png. These screenshot files should be kept in version control (GitHub) to see how your app updates over times, but if visual differences are found, these differences will never fail a test.

Migrating from {shinytest}

{shinytest} is the predecesor to {shinytest2}. {shinytest} was implemented using {webdriver} which uses PhantomJS. PhantomJS has been unsupported since 2017 and does not support displaying {bslib}'s Bootstrap v5.

{shinytest2} uses {chromote} to connect to your locally installed Chrome or Chromium application. {shinytest2} does not have any rendering issues when displaying {bslib}'s Bootstrap v5.

To migrate your existing {shinytest} tests to {shinytest2}, call the helper method shinytest2::migrate_from_shinytest(path).