
A package that scrapes youtube videos audio, transcribes them using whisper and performs speaker diarization on the transcribed audio

Primary LanguagePython


  • Open config file and add list of links to videos you want to scrape and execute python main.py scrape --type=videos
  • To scrape all video on a channel add link to channel and execute command python main.py scrape --type=channel (can include exclude / include parameters eg: exclude any videos with specific keywords in title see config.yaml for more)
  • n_workers specifies the number of threads to spawn (approximately 2 threads per processor)

Audioprocessing (transcription & diarization)

For diarization complete pyanote is used, see here for setup instructions:

    1. visit hf.co/pyannote/speaker-diarization and accept user conditions
    1. visit hf.co/pyannote/segmentation and accept user conditions
    1. visit hf.co/settings/tokens to create an access token
    1. instantiate pretrained speaker diarization pipeline