
Maintain Sequelize Model change history.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

styled with prettier license

Maintain Sequelize Model change history in a central table. This is highly configurable and supports composite primary keys ( up to 3 for now). Written in Typescript and provides typing.

Can be used with Sequelize-typescript as well.

Table of Contents


To install run the following npm command:

npm install sequelize-central-log



Sequelize Central log needs your initated sequelize connection for example:

import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize';

const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password');

Import Sequelize Central Log, create a new instance by passing in your sequelize instance and options ( see below ) as well as defineModels() to setup the revision model, which should be done after initalizing them in sequelize.

import { SequelizeCentralLog } from 'sequelize-central-log';
const options = {...}; // define options from list below
const centralLog = new SequelizeCentralLog(sequelize, options);
const Revision = centralLog.defineModels(); // returns your revision model instance for querying

This sets up your central log (revision table) and returns the table instance to be used for querying.

Lastly for each model you want to track history on call the addHistory function passing in the model.


// For those that define their models as a class, you can simply pass that class in.
import SequelizeModelClass from '../sequelize_model_class';

The hasHistory function will add a hasMany association from the model to the revision model so you can include and have revisions returned with your results.

Excluding Columns

There are two ways to exclude columns from being tracked in the revision history table.

You can pass them in as a string array your options when instantiating the Sequelize Central Log ( this will override the defaults). See options below for the defaults. You can override the defaults by passing an empty array.

const centralLog = new SequelizeCentralLog(sequelizeDB, { exclude: ['column1', 'column2']});

or you can pass them in per model as a string array when adding the history to the sequelize model:

centralLog.addHistory(ModelA, {exclude: ['columnModelA']});

General exclude and model level exclude are added together on the model level. So a globally excluded id column will apply to every model while a column excluded when adding history to the model will be excluded only for that table.

Example based on the setup above:

  1. Table A will have the columns id and columnModelA excluded.
  2. Table B will only have the id column excluded.

Composite Keys

You can use composite keys while tracking history. Current limitations are limited to 2 keys currently. The second key is tracked in a column added to the revision table modelId2, (which you can override the column name). A Third Composite key works the same with a default of modelId3.

This is configured by passing the option when creating the log and then per model.

const centralLog = new SequelizeCentralLog(sequelizeDB, {useCompositeKeys: true});
centralLog.addHistory(Model, { hasCompositeKey: true });

 * For a Third Composite Key
centralLog.addHistory(Model, { hasCompositeKey: true, thirdCompositeKey: true });

This will still create the hasMany association on the model and will pull back the revisions. YAY!

Tracking Author

You can track the author of the revision by passing the user model as an option when creating the SequelizeCentralLog instance( model must be initialized in sequelize first).

const centralLog = SequelizeCentralLog(sequelizeDB, {userModel: User});

This will create a foreign key ( allowed null ) column on the revision table pointing to the id column in the user model.

There are two ways to set the userid when tracking the author. You can use a namespace (cls-hooked) or pass a userId as an option on the sequelize query. The option passed on the query will override the namespace if you want to for some reason.

import { createNamespace } from 'cls-hooked';

const nameSpace = createNamespace('amespaceName');

// don't forget to call run on the namespace.
nameSpace.run(() => {
  nameSpace.set('keyName', userID);
  // somehwere in your async chain..

 * OR

Model.update({...values}, {userId: userID});

Bulk Actions

By default Sequelize Central Log will track bulk actions. You can disable this on a per model basis.

CentralLog.hasHistory(Model, {disableHistoryAutoHook: true});


Option Type Default Value Description
[attributeModelId] String modelID column name for primary key of model tracked.
[attributeModelId2] String modelID2 column name for the 2nd primary key for a composite key.
[attributeRevision] String revision column name added to model being tracked with hasHistory()
[attributeRevisionModel] String Revision revision table sequelize model name
[attributeRevisionModelTableName] String Revision revision table name in database, if different.
[attributeUserId] String userId column name on revision table for the user id.
[continuationKey] String userId continuation key to set / get when tracking author.
[continuationNamespace] String NULL continuation namespace name.
[debug] Boolean false Enables console logging.
[enableMigration] Boolean false Enables Database sync of only the revision model so the table will be created in database.
[enableRevisionAttributeMigration] Boolean false Enables addHistory to add the revision column on the model in the database.
[exclude] Array(string) ['id', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'deletedAt', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at', [options.revisionAttribute]] Array of global attributes to exclude from the revision log.
[freezeTableName] Boolean false Adds revision model level option of freeze table name.
[primaryKeyType] DataType DataTypes.Integer Allows Defining something Other than Integer as the Column Type. This uses Sequelizes DataTypes Field.
[trackFullModel] Boolean false Adds another column (current) to the table and tracks the full non excluded current values ( not just what changed ).
[useCompositeKeys] Boolean false Denotes that composite keys are used in your models and adds the attributeModelId2 column to the revision table.
[underscored] Boolean false Adds revision model level option of underscored column names ( created_at ).
[userModel] Model Object NULL Sequelize Model instance for the user.


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© Jacob Copeland

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


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