
Tornado App to help a user turn off retweeting for users.

Primary LanguagePython


My friend Derek ( http://powazek.com/ ) tweeted about wanting to turn off the ability for anyone (EVEN ME!) to retweet anything into his stream. I told him I’d write him a script if it was exposed in the API. It turns out it is.

So last night I wrote this little Tornado app that runs on Heroku. You’ll have to know how to deploy on Heroku to get it to work. The script expects three environment variables to be set: twitter_consumer_key, twitter_consumer_secret, and cookie_secret. (read this gist to learn how to create a cookie_secret)

Anyway, it doesn’t work. For some reason Twitter’s API says the user’s ability to retweet is turned off, but it doesn’t actually do it. I do not know why and can’t spend time figuring it out. I am told it actually does work, it just takes some time. Feel free to take this code and deploy it yourself.
