Coding challenge


This app is about an API handling the products, customers and subscriptions of an online shop.

How to run

docker-compose up -d

Note: the included docker-compose.yml is supposed to run on linux, if you're using a different host os, you will need to adapt it:

    build: .
        - .:/var/www/php-challenge
        - 9080:9080
    # remove if you're using a mac or windows
        - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"

You will also need to adapt xdebug.ini


; Uncomment to enable this extension.
xdebug.remote_host=host.docker.internal ; change to if its not working

The database should have been initialized automatically and its tables should hold fixture data.

If you want to init it again you can either remove the database container docker-compose rm db or within the php container using:

bash-4.4# php app/console doctrine:database:drop
bash-4.4# php app/console doctrine:database:create
bash-4.4# php app/console doctrine:schema:create
bash-4.4# php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Site is available at: http://localhost:9080, xdebug is listening at port 9002, you find the API calls available at http://localhost:9080/api/docs

To run the tests enter the container and run:

bin/simple-phpunit -c app/phpunit.xml src/AppBundle

The tests will create a code coverage which is available in the build folder.


You find the tasks and their description here

You should also read through the project description for a small introduction what the test project is about.

After you finished please document your decisions. Your also free to add extra documentation on how to run the project in case you make changes to its setup.

What are we looking for

  • Ability to spot code errors
  • How do you improve code
  • If you can dive into an old codebase
  • What is your rationale to change code
  • How you document previously undocumented project.
  • How you add features without breaking existing functionalities