Language Learning Virtual Agent

AWS Sumerian based virtual agent for language learning using AIML dialogue system.

Sumerian Setup

  1. Sign in to Amazon Sumerian with your AWS account.

  2. When you first Sign in to Amazon Sumerian, you see the Dashboard home screen. From the home screen, you can:

    • Create a new scene using a wide selection of templates. The most common template is the Default Lighting Template.
    • Choose Import Assets in the top center menu above the canvas. Search for and then add Cristine.
    • Find Cristine in the Assets panel. Drag and drop the Cristine entity (next to the hexagon icon) onto the canvas.


  1. Add State Machine Behavior :
    • In the Entities panel, choose Cristine.
    • Navigate to the Inspector panel on the right and add a State Machine component to Cristine.
    • In the State Machine panel, click the + button to create a new Behavior and open the State Machine Editor.
    • In the Inspector panel, under Selected State, rename State 1 to Wait for SDK Ready.
    • Select the Wait for SDK Ready in the State Graph, and then click Add Action in the Inspector panel. Select on AWS Ready.
    • Create another state Face Recognition by selecting Add State option. Add action Execute Script. Select the plus button, custom script and add the Script Face Recognition code in the newly opened window.
    • Similarly add the other states as shown below and connect the various states actions as shown by using drag n drop.
    • Add Script Host Success on Athena Response state.
    • Add Script User Speech on Start User Recording state.

State Machine

  1. Adding HTML Entities :
    • From the Create Entity menu, create a new HTML entity, and then select it.
    • Name it HTML SpeechToText Entity and click open in editor.
    • Remove the initial code and replace it with html-speechToText-entity code (this will show the speech the user says).
    • In the Inspector panel add the script script-html-speech to this HTML entity.
    • Add another HTML entity and name it HTML OpenCV.
    • Copy the code of html-openCV (this will will show the user's face recognized bounded by a box)
    • In the Inspector panel add the script script-OpenCV to this HTML entity.
    • Add another HTML entity and name it HTML User Speech Flag.
    • Copy the code of html-userSpeech-flag (When it shows red the user should not speak and when it is green the user should speak).
    • Add another HTML entity and name it HTML Language.
    • Copy the code of html-language (This shows the language learning part).
    • In the inspector panel add the script script-initial to this HTML entity.

AIML Dialogue System

  1. Create an AWS EC2 instance and select the Ubuntu server.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Install following :
    • pip install aiml
    • pip install Flask
    • pip install Flask-Cors
    • pip install gunicorn
    • pip install vaderSentiment
    • sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev nginx
  4. Let’s check if nginx . has been installed and running. Open your browser and run input your instances public IP . address.


  1. Remove the default nginx pages by running the command :
    • sudo rm /etc/ningx/sites-enabled/default
    • sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
  2. Configure nginx to proxy our trafic to port 8000. Create a config file in sites-available and add a symlink to the sites-enabled in nginx.
sudo touch /etc/nginx/sites-available/
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /etc/nginx/sites-available/
  1. Open the file or whatever you named it and paste the contents below (make sure you give your domain name)
    server {
      listen 80;
      location / {
  2. Create a symlink now. Run the following commands.
    sudo ln -f -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
    sudo service nginx restart
  3. Run the app using gunicorn server
    gunicorn run:app

Backend API

  1. Create a domain name.
  2. Create an Elastic IP in AWS :
    • Open AWS route53
    • Under Networking and content delivery choose route 53, and create a new Hosted Zone with the new domain name you got.
    • Domain Name should be the name you got and type choose the public Hosted Zone. Create an elastic . IP for that instance. Click on services and click on Elastic IP and click associate new Address to get a new Elastic IP.
    • Once the IP has been created, you will be presented with a list of IPs, check on the one you’ve just create and click on actions.
    • Click on associate address to associate that particular address with your instance.
    • Choose the instance you want to associate the IP with from the listed ones. Assuming you have multiple instances.
  3. Point your EC2 to new domain :
    • Log into your AWS account and assign an elastic IP to your instance if you haven’t done so.
    • Go to Route53 and create a hosted zone for your domain and set the type to Public Hosted Zone.
    • Once created, you’ll be presented with 2 default record sets for your domain. In here, take note all of the 4 Nameservers.
    • Create another record sets for your domain, one with www name and one without it. All pointing to your Elastic IP you set to your EC2 instance. See screenshot below.
    • Once you’ve have setup the 2 additional record sets, the last step is to just point your domain to use the Nameservers provided by Route53 service.
    • Then in your domain name account, enter all 4 Nameservers and hit on save button.
    • In a couple of minutes and you would now be able to access your app in your EC2 instance with the domain you choose.
  4. Installing SSL on your new Domain Name :
    • ssh to your instance and change the file/etc/nginx/sitesavailable/ one shown below.
      server {
      listen 80;
      location / {
    • Change the server name to your own details and restart nginx server.
    • Then run the following commands :
      sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install python-certbot-nginx
      #use certbot nginx plugin for certificate installation
      sudo certbot --nginx 
    • Follow the prompts and enter required details. Refresh your browser after some few min and check that your domain name is secured with https.

PS : Make sure to add your own domain name and AWS Rekognition url in the script-face-recognition.js, script-user-speech.js, script-opencv.js. Also, make sure to upload the images provided in the images/language-learn folder to your html-language.html and using the respective data ID instead of the one provided to run Sumerian without crashing.