
This repository contains two Python scripts designed to perform specific tasks related to managing resources in AWS and retrieving file information within a directory.

  1. Lambda Function to Stop EC2 Instances



This Python script is designed to be deployed as an AWS Lambda function. Its purpose is to stop EC2 instances tagged with a specific value, in this case, "Dev_Lab".


The script utilizes the Boto3 library to interact with AWS services.
It describes EC2 instances to retrieve information about running instances.
It identifies instances tagged with "Dev_Lab" and collects their instance IDs.
The ec2.stop_instances() method (currently commented out) can be uncommented to initiate the stopping of identified instances.
Finally, it prints the list of stopped instance IDs.


Ensure proper IAM permissions are assigned to the Lambda function for interacting with EC2 instances. Uncomment the line response = ec2.stop_instances(InstanceIds=instances) to enable the instance stopping functionality.

  1. Retrieve File Information



This Python script is designed to retrieve information about files within a directory. It utilizes the os module to traverse the directory structure and gather information about each file.


It initializes an empty list to store file information.
Utilizing os.walk(), it traverses through the directory structure.
For each file encountered, it creates a dictionary containing file path, name, and size.
The dictionaries are then appended to the file_list.
Finally, it prints the list of dictionaries, each containing file information.


Ensure the script is executed within the directory you want to retrieve file information from. Modify the thisdir variable if needed to specify a different directory.

Note: Before deploying or executing these scripts, ensure you understand their functionalities and have appropriate permissions and safeguards in place, especially when interacting with AWS resources. Always test scripts in a controlled environment before applying them to production systems.