
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Backend-mmk Technical Assessment

This exercise demonstrare skills proficiency in regards to the following requirement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jZ8GZ5ppIP-ftSY7r8DBIyelLul3dyh8TAKBX9ckzVU/edit


  • Express
  • Node.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Sequelize
  • Typescript


After cloning this repo git clone https://github.com/torsami77/backend-mmk.git, check into the root directory cd backend-mmk, and run npm install to install all the dependencies and devDevpendencies. See dependencies, and "devDependencies" section in package.json file for list of all packages that will be installed. see sample_env file in root directory for environment variables parameters.

Use npm run migrate to run database models migrations, and seed the database


npm run dev : for run development mode npm start : for run production mode npm test : to run sample test on sample model with mocha, chai, sinon and sequelise helper. npm run migrate : to run models migration to database npm run undo-seeds : undo seeded data

See the scripts section of package.json file for all available configured scripts.

Models and Database

Setup to use Postgres and Sequelise ORM. npm run migrate : to run models migration, seed data to database npm run undo-seeds : undo seeded data

API Documentation

Root Route: /

Method: GET
Sample Success Response
        statusCode:  200,
		message:  'welcome to MMK-API',

Sign Up Route: /api/v1/auth/signup

Method: POST
Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
Sample Body Payload
    username: 'azr1', //username should be alphabets or with numbers, between 2 and 20 characters long 
 	auth_id:  '20S0KPNOIM', //auth_id should be at least 8 characters
 	confirm_auth_id: '20S0KPNOIM', //should be same as auth_id
Sample Success Response
  statusCode: 201,
  message:  'User created successfully',
  error:  '',
  data: { id, username, createdAt, updatedAt },
  token: 'thIsisaToken10101',

Sign In Route: /api/v1/auth/signin

Method: POST
Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
Sample Body Payload
    username: 'azr1', //username should be alphabets or with numbers, between 2 and 20 characters long 
 	auth_id:  '20S0KPNOIM', //auth_id should be at least 8 characters
Sample Success Response
  statusCode: 200,
  message:  'Successfully signed in',
  error:  '',
  data: { id, username, createdAt, updatedAt },
  token: 'thIsisaToken10101',

Inbound Route: /api/v1/sms/inbound

Method: POST
Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
Authorization: `bearer ${token}`
Sample Body Payload
    to: 91983435345, //'the "to" phone number should be numeric, and 6 to 16 characters 
    from: 14152243533, //'the "from" phone number should be numeric, and 6 to 16 characters 
    text: 'Hi there' //string min length 1 max length 120**
Sample Success Response
  statusCode: 200,
  message:  'Inbound sms ok',
  error:  '',
  data: { to, from, text },

Outbound Route: /api/v1/sms/outbound

Method: POST
Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
Authorization: `bearer ${token}`
Sample Body Payload
    to: 919823243432, //'the "to" phone number should be numeric, and 6 to 16 characters 
    from: 919343542749, //'the "from" phone number should be numeric, and 6 to 16 characters 
    text: 'Hi there' //string min length 1 max length 120**
Sample Success Response
  statusCode: 200,
  message:  'Outbound sms ok',
  error:  '',
  data: { to, from, text },

Thank you