
Command router for Discord.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Disocord.js wiggle

Command Router made for Eris transposed to Discord.js


Creating a Wiggle Instance

  • Creation: call the function returned require("discord.js-wiggle")
  • ex:
const wiggle = require("discord.js-wiggle");
const client = wiggle();

Wiggle Properties:

  • commands<Map>
    • Commands registered using <Wiggle>.command(...)
    • Do not belong to any category
  • categories<Object>
    • Categories being used by the Wiggle Instance
    • Each category is added once <Wiggle>.use(category) is called
  • discordClient<Map>
    • Discord.js Client.
    • Property set once <Wiggle>.set("token", <token>) is called
  • locals<Object>
    • Object that can be used to pass values across code
    • Good alternative to using global or similar things

Wiggle Methods:

  • connect()
    • Equivalent to <Wiggle>.discordClient.connect()
    • Returns: instance of Wiggle that the method was called on
  • command(name<String>, options<Object>, runFunction<Function (context)>)
    • Creates a command registered under the Wiggle instance, then uses it
    • Recommended to use categories over this
    • Returns: instance of Wiggle that the method was called on
  • get(name<String>)
    • Returns: value of the option name which was set by <Wiggle>.set(name, value)
  • set(name<String>, value<*>)
    • Sets the option name to value
    • Options:
      • token<String> - Creates a Discord.js client with the token value and sets <Wiggle>.discordClient to the new client
      • commands<Map> - Directory where commands are, composed of other directories containing JavaScript files which become commands. See advanced example for more information
      • listeners<String> - Directory where listeners are, with file names of event names. Each listener is used via <Wiggle>.use
      • locales<String> - Directory of locales to use, each file name should be that of the locale
      • clientOptions<Object> - Options used when constructing the Discord.js client
      • commandOptions<Object> - Default command options to use when creating commands
      • localeFunction<Function(message<Message>)> - Function expecting message.locale and message.channel.guild.locale if applicable to be set, for usage with message.t (read about locales below)
      • prefixes<Array<String>> - Prefixes used by the command parser middleware. Each string is turned into a regular expression. Not case sensitive
      • getPrefixes<Function(message<Message>)> - Expects a return of an array of strings (parsed as regular expresions, not case sensitive) of prefixes that should be used, based off the context of the message. If not defined, the prefixes option will be used
      • All other options are not used internally, but may be used inside of code. <Wiggle>.locals may be a better option rather than using .set if you are not using one of the options.
    • Returns: instance of Wiggle that the method was called on
  • use(...middleware<*>)
    • Middleware can be a variety of different things
      • (<Function(...params<*>, next<Function()>, wiggle<Wiggle>)>) - Function gets called every time a registered event happens. Not recommended to use
      • (eventName<String> <Function(...params<*>, next<Function()>, wiggle<Wiggle>)>) - Function gets called each time the event happens
      • (<Category>) - Registers all the commands inside of a category
      • (<Category|String>, <Function(message<Object>, next<Function()>, wiggle<Wiggle>)>) - Function gets called each time a command from the category is used. Category can also be a string of the name of the category as long as <WiggleInstace>.use(<Category>) was called first
      • (<Command|String>, <Function(message<Object>, next<Function()>, wiggle<Wiggle>)>) - Function gets called each the command is used. Command can also be a string of the name of the command
      • If multiple functions are used with the middleware, they will all be used as middlewares for the same thing (ex: client.use("message", fn1, fn2) will both go to message)
    • ...params represents all the parameters of the Discord.js event in use
    • The next parameter
      • When called, it moves onto the next middleware function.
      • If next isn't called, the middleware cycle ends
      • Accepts no parameters
    • The order of middlware functions executed is as follows
      • The first middleware function added (expected to be command parser)
      • All category or command middlewares (not the executing of them)
      • The rest, besides commands, in order of which they were added
      • All commands are last (the execution of them)
    • Built in middleware
      • Accessing: wiggle.middleware is an object of middlewares built in (not a instance of wiggle, but what is returned from require("discord.js-wiggle"))
      • Usage: each middleware in the built in middleware is a function which returns a middleware function to be used (ex: client.use("message", wiggle.middleware.commandParser()))
      • argHandler<Function()>
        • Parses arguments into their correct types based off user input
        • Adds a message.args property (array of parsed arguments)
        • Adds a message.flags property (object of parsed flags)
        • Not guaranteed to call the next callback, if a user gives invald input or not enough arguments, the command responds with a error
        • Use with message event
      • dbots, dbotsOrg, carbonitex <Function(<Object{key:<String>}>)>
        • Posts server count to appropriate site (https://bots.discord.pw, https://discordbots.org, https://carbonitex.net). Works regardless if the bot is split up across seperate processes, or just one
        • Parameter should be a object with the field key, giving the api key to send the post request (ex: { key: "api key here" })
        • Always calls the next callback
        • Use with guildCreate and/or guildDelete events
        • Require the superagent package to work
      • commandParser
        • Highly recommended to use, unless you know what you are doing
        • Should be the first middleware that is used
        • Sets the message.command property of the command used with the message, if these is one
        • Always calls the next callback, regardless if the message had a command or not
        • Use with message event
    • Returns: instance of Wiggle that the method was called on


Categories are a set of commands, grouped together by similarties. For example, kick, ban and mute might be a moderator category. Categories with discord.js-wiggle are made simple.

Creating a category:

  • Accessing: wiggle.Category(...params) is a function that returns a new instance of a category. All of the parameters are passed to the constructor (not a instance of wiggle, but what is returned from require("discord.js-wiggle"))
  • Constructor parameters: (name<String>, commandOptions<Object>)
    • Command options: an object that sets default comamnd options to all commands within the category


  • locals<Object>
    • Same concept as <Wiggle>.locals
  • commands<Map>
    • All commands registered under the category
  • name<String>
    • Name of category


  • name(name<String>)
    • Sets the name property of the category
    • Returns: the category that the method was called on
  • command(name<String>, options<Object>, runFunction<Function (context)>)
    • Creates a comamnd under the category
    • Returns: the category that the method was called on
  • use(...middleware<Function(message<Object>, next<Function()>, wiggle<Wiggle>)>)
    • Uses the middleware each time a command from the category is ran

Categories created are only initiated once <Wiggle>.use(<Category>) is called


Commands are made using <Wiggle>.command(...) or <Category>.command(...)

Constructor options (all optional):

  • aliases<Array<String>>
    • Array of aliases to accept
    • Default value: []
  • args<Array<Object>>
    • Array of arguments to use
    • Argument handler middleware information:
      • Requires field type<String>:
        • Type of argument to use
        • Supported types:
          • boolean - returns a boolean
          • channel - returns a channel (voice or text)
          • emoji - returns a emoji object with fields name, id and url
          • float - returns a float
            • Accepts min and max options
          • image - returns a image url based off attachments, link, emoji, or user avatar
          • int - returns an integer
            • Accepts min and max options
          • invite - returns a invite object, as returned from <DiscordClient>.getInvite
          • link - returns a link
          • member - returns a member from the server the command was executed in
          • role - returns a role
          • text - returns the plain input
            • Accepts max option for string length
          • textChannel - returns a text channel
          • user - returns a user
          • voiceChannel - returns a voice channel
          • If a type cannot be resolved, the client responds with a error message
      • Optional fields:
        • label<String>
          • Label to use when constructing <Command>.usage
          • Default value: argument type
        • optional<Boolean>
          • Whether or not the argument is optional
          • Default value: false
        • correct<Array<String>>
          • Array of the available values for this argument
          • Default value: undefined
        • Other fields can be added. Extra ones will be used as options when resolving types (ex. min and max fields for int and float types)
      • Upon execution, <Message>.args will be an array containing the arguments resolved to their types
    • Default value: []
  • argTree<Object>
    • Object containing a tree of arg choice
    • .correct is not used here, it gets generated from the property names of .choice
    • .label is optional, the default value is generated from the property names of .choice
    • Will replace .args if used
    • .choice.VALUE indicates an arg that is a user input
    • .defaultLabel will define the label of the argument if we use the user input (VALUE)
    • .last<Boolean> is optional, it prevents the bot asking for a value after this arg if true. Consider it as a possible end for the arg chain
    • See examples for more detail
    • Output will still be in .args as an array
  • caseSensitive<Boolean>
    • Whether or not the command input is case sensitive
    • If false, <Message>.content is converted to lower case
    • Default value: false
  • flags<Array<Object>>
    • Array of flags to use
    • Required fields:
      • name<String> - name of flag (must be unique amongst other flags. can use -)
      • type<String> - same as argument type
    • Optional fields:
      • short<String> - shortname option for the flag (can be used as an alias instead)
      • aliases<Array<String>> - array of aliases to also use
      • default<*> - the default value to be passed to the resolver if no value is given
    • Default value: []
  • guildOnly<Boolean>
    • Whether or not this command may only be executed in guilds
    • Default value: false
  • nsfwOnly<Boolean>
    • Whether or not this command may only be executed in nsfw channels
    • Default value: false
  • replyResult<Boolean>
    • If true, <context>.reply is called with the return value from the run function of the command
    • Default value: false
  • embedError<Boolean>
    • If true, .EmbedError<Object> will output a RichEmbed, will output the result of .t otherwise.
    • Default value: false
  • cooldown<Array|Object|Number>
    • Sets a command's cooldown
    • Can be set to be a certain amount of uses per certain time
    • If an array, the format should be as such: [time (ms), uses]
    • If an object, it should be as such; { time: <time in ms>, uses: <uses> }
    • If a number, it should represent the amount of ms between every 1 use
  • Any other option can be specified, but they are not used for anything. Can be used to pass extra data trhough a command


  • locals<Object>
    • Same concept as <Wiggle>.locals
  • name<String>, aliases<Array<String>>, args<Array<Object>>, caseSensitive<Boolean>, guildOnly<Boolean>, ...etc
    • The values of the corresponding option
  • category<String>
    • Category that the command belongs to
    • If registered using <Wiggle>.command, it is default
  • usage<String>
    • String constructed based off command arguments and flags
    • Contains usage of command, eg [], <text>, [text], <user> [text], etc
    • Example with flags: <text> ...--time|-t [int=5]

The command run function is called with a parameter:

  • Context<Object>
    • Object containing useful properties
    • args<Array<*>>
      • An array of command arguments
      • Reference to message.args
    • author<Object>
      • Author of message
      • Reference to message.author
    • member<Object>
      • GuildMember of message
      • Reference to message.member
    • category<String>
      • Category of command used
      • Reference to message.command.category
    • channel<Object>
      • Channel the messsage was sent in
      • Reference to message.channel
    • flags<Object>
      • Flags used in the message (keys are flag names, values are flag values)
      • Reference to message.flags
    • guild<Object>
      • Guild the message was sent in
      • Reference to message.channel.guild
    • EmbedError<Function(message<Object>, config<Object>, input<Boolean>)>
      • Function that creates an embed format for your errors
      • config accepts:
        • error<String> is the input for message.t
        • data<Object> is the data needed for message.t
        • color<String|Number> is the color of the embed
          • Default value is 0xE74C3C
      • input<Boolean> weather the embed should display the input that leads to this error
        • Default value: true
      • output<Object> will be a RichEmbed if the option command#embedError<Boolean> is true. Will be the result of message.t otherwise.
    • message<Object>
      • The message that was sent
    • reply<Function(content<Object|String>, file<Object>)>
      • Function that does the same as message.channel.createMessage with few differences
      • Accepts a file as the first parameter if there is no content
      • Accepts an array as the first argument, which will then make the first argument the first element, and the second the second element (useful when using replyResult option)
    • resolver<Object>
      • Object filled with functions
      • Resolves input to certain types
    • t<Function(...)>
      • Read about locales below for more information
      • Reference to message.t
    • wiggle
      • Reference to the wiggle instance attached to the command


Locales are a way to define the language of a user. discord.js-wiggle has built-in support for easy implementation of locales.

To use locales, create a folder containg files of each locale. Each file should be named the name of the locale it corresponds to. Each locale file will need a pair of a .json and a .js file. Put all the basic text of your locales in the .json file, and do the locale logic (ex: string concatenation) in the js file, see examples for details. For example, for an English locale, the files would be en.json and en.js.

The locale file:

  • The locale file should be composed of fields, or context, and then the message
  • Message that have data should have a placeholder with {{placeholderName}} which will be replaced later
  • ex:
	"commands.ping": "Pong! `{{latency}}ms`",
	"commands.kick.noPerms": "You have no permission to kick that user"

Now, actually using locales is very simple. When a message is sent, message.t and message.channel.guild.t are both added to it, allowing you to use locales with ease.

These functions accept 2 parameters:

  • context<Path>
    • The context (field) of the JSON file message
  • data<Object>
    • Each key should be the placeholder name
    • Each value should be the value of the corresponding placeholder
    • Default value: {}
  • ex (extending usage of the example file above):
const wiggle = require("discord.js-wiggle");
const client = wiggle();
client.set("locales", "locales");
client.command("ping", { replyResult: true }, ctx => {
	return ctx.message.t("commands.ping", { latency: ctx.guild.shard.latency });

message.channel.guild.t is identical to message.t but exists in case you want to base a response based off a guild-wide locale.

If you want to change the locale that the t function uses, use the option localeFunction with your wiggle instance, to change the properties message.locale and message.channel.guild.locale to their proper values, based off the message sent.

The default locale used is always en. If a placeholder is missing or the context is invalid, the function will try again with the locale en. If it still doesnt work, then a error will be returned. If a placeholder is missing, an error will take its place.

Wiggle also uses locales for its resolver errors, so if you want to add support for more languages, send a pull request. If you are trying to use a ru (Russian) locale for example, and wiggle does not support it, it's messages will remain in English.