
extend prototypes for eris

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


extend prototypes for eris

require("eris-additions")(eris, options) eris: the object returned when requiring eris options (object):

  • enabled: array of Object.Method stating which prototypes to enable
  • disabled: array of Object.Method stating which prototypes to disable

only takes either enabled or disabled, if both are provided, it uses disabled

Examples of adding eris-additions to your code:

const Eris = require("eris");
require("eris-additions")(Eris, { disabled: ["Channel.sendMessage", "Channel.sendCode", "Eris.Embed"] })


const Eris = require("eris-additions")(require("eris"))

Note: You only need to require eris-additions once, even if you require eris in more than one file.

Channel Additions

  • awaitMessages(filter, options) - wait for messages

Filter: function(message) which returns a true or false value

Options: { maxMatches (required): number | amount of messages to collect, time: milliseconds | the time until the collector times out }

Returns: A promise that is resolved with an array of collected messages

Example (async):

let responses = await message.channel.awaitMessages(m => m.content === "yes", { time: maxMatches: 1, 10000 });
if(responses.length) message.channel.createMessage("You said yes :)");
else message.channel.createMessage("You didn't say yes :(");
  • createCode(code, language) / sendCode(code, language) - send a codeblock

Returns: A promise that is resolved with the sent message or rejected with the error

Same as Client.createCode, but no need for the channelID


message.channel.createCode("console.log('hi')", "js");
  • createEmbed(embed) / sendEmbed(embed) - send an embed

Returns: A promise that is resolved with the sent message or rejected with the erorr

Same as Client.createEmbed, but no need for the channelID


message.channel.createEmbed({ title: "hello", description: "test embed" });
  • sendMessage(content, file) - send a message

Returns: A promise that is resolved with the sent message or rejected with the error

Same as Eris' Channel.createMessage()



Client Additions

  • createCode(channelID, code, language) - send a code block

channelID: the id of the channel to send the message in

Code: the content to send inside the code block

Language (optional): the language of the code block

Returns: A promise that is resolved with the sent message or rejected with the error


client.createCode(message.channel.id, "console.log('hi')", "js");
  • createEmbed(channelID, embed) - sends an embed

channelID: the id of the channel to send the message in

embed: embed object

Returns: A promise that is resolved with the sent message or rejected with the error


client.createEmbed(message.channel.id, { title: "hello", description: "test embed" });

Eris Additions

  • new Eris.CodeBlock(code, language) - create a codeblock


  • content(content) - set content
  • language(lang) - set language


message.member.createMessage("look at this cool code:" + new Eris.CodeBlock().content("console.log('hi')").language("js"));
  • new Eris.Embed({ embed }) - create a embed


  • author(name, icon, url) - set embed author
  • color(HEX color) - set embed color
  • description(desc) - set embed description
  • field(name, value, inline) - add embed field
  • file(file) - set embed file
  • footer(text, icon) - set embed footer
  • image(url) - set embed image
  • timestamp(date) - set embed date
  • title(title) - set embed title
  • thumbnail(url) - set embed thumbnail
  • url(url) - set embed url


message.channel.createEmbed(new Eris.Embed().title("hello").description("test embed"));

GuildChannel Additions

  • memberHasPermission(memberID, permission) - if a member has a permission in a channel

memberID: the id of the member or a member object

permission: string of Eris permission name

Returns: Boolean of whether or not the member has the permission


if(message.channel.memberHasPermission(bot.user.id, "sendMessages")) message.channel.createMessage("Pong!");
else message.member.createMessage("I cannot send messages in that channel, please double check permissions");

Member Additions

  • bannable - if the member is bannable by the bot


let memberToBan = message.guild.members.get(message.content);
if(memberToBan.bannable) {
  message.channel.createMessage("I banned the member");
} else {
  message.channel.createMessage("I can't ban that member, please double check permissions");
  • createMessage(content, file) - send the member a message

Returns: A promise that is resolved with the sent message or rejected with the error

Same as User.createMessage()


  • hasPermission(permission) - if the member has a permission in the guild

permission: string of Eris permission name

Returns: Boolean of whether or not the member has the permission


if(message.member.hasPermission("banMembers")) message.channel.createMessage("You can ban members");
else message.member.createMessage("You can't ban members");
  • hasRole(roleID) - if the member has a role

roleID: a role object or role ID

Returns: Boolean of whether or not the member has the role


let mutedRole = message.guild.roles.find(role => role.name === "Muted");
if(message.member.hasRole(mutedRole)) message.channel.createMessage("You are muted");
else message.channel.createMessage("You are not muted");
  • highestRole - the highest role a member has


message.channel.createMessage(`Your highest role is: ${message.member.highestRole.name}`);
  • kickable - if a member is kickable by the bot


let memberToBan = message.guild.members.get(message.content);
if(memberToBan.bannable) {
  message.channel.createMessage("I banned the member");
} else {
  message.channel.createMessage("I can't ban that member, please double check permissions");
  • punishable(member2) - logic behind kickable / bannable, may be useful for other things

member2: a member object

Returns: Boolean of whether or not member2 can punish the member


let memberToWarn = message.guild.members.get(message.content);
if(memberToBan.punishable(message.member)) {
  warnings[memberToBan.id] += 1;
  message.channel.createMessage("The member has been warned");
} else {
  message.channel.createMessage("You dont have permission to warn that member");
  • roleObjects - array of roles a member has, but mapped to their role objects, not their ids


message.channel.createMessage("Your roles: " + message.member.roleObjects.map(role => role.name);
  • sendMessage(content, file) - send the member a message

Returns: A promise that is resolved with the sent message or rejected with the error

Same as User.createMessage()



Message Additions

  • guild - guild of the message


message.channel.createMessage(`You are talking in ${message.guild.name}`);

Role Additions

  • addable - if the bot can add the role to a member


if(!role.addable) message.channel.createMessage("I don't have permission to add that role to anyone, is it's position higher than mine?");
  • higherThan(role2) - check if the role's position is higher than a different role's position

role2: role object

Returns: Boolean of whether or not the role is higher than role2's position


if(member.highestRole.higherThan(otherMember.highestRole)) channel.createMessage("You have a higher role than " + otherMember.user.username");

User Additions

  • createMessage(content, file) / sendMessage(content, file) - send the user a direct message

Returns: A promise resolved with the sent message or rejected with the error of sending the message or getting the DM channel

Same as Eris' Channel.createMessage but called on a DM channel for you

