
A GTK+ utility to awake machines using the Wake on LAN.

Primary LanguagePython

gWakeOnLAN Build Status

Description: Wake up your machines using Wake on LAN.

Copyright: 2009-2015 Fabio Castelli (Muflone) <muflone(at)vbsimple.net>

License: GPL-2+

Source code: https://github.com/muflone/gwakeonlan

Documentation: http://www.muflone.com/gwakeonlan

Translations: http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/gwakeonlan/

System Requirements

  • Python 2.x (developed and tested for Python 2.7.5)
  • XDG library for Python 2
  • GTK+3.0 libraries for Python 2
  • GObject libraries for Python 2
  • Distutils library for Python 2 (usually shipped with Python distribution)


A distutils installation script is available to install from the sources.

To install in your system please use:

cd /path/to/folder
python2 setup.py install

To install the files in another path instead of the standard /usr prefix use:

cd /path/to/folder
python2 setup.py install --root NEW_PATH


If the application is not installed please use:

cd /path/to/folder
python2 gwakeonlan.py

If the application was installed simply use the gwakeonlan command.

.. |build-status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/samgiles/slumber.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/samgiles/slumber :alt: Build status

Build Status