
A simple emoji and character picker for rofi 😁

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Rofimoji: A character picker for rofi

How often did you want to insert one of those Unicode emoji only to learn that there is no nice picker for Linux? Fear no more, this script uses the power of rofi to present exactly the picker you always wanted. Insert the selected emoji directly, or copy it to the clipboard. And you can use it to pick any weird character someone got into Unicode, too.


  1. Run rofimoji.py
  2. Search for the emoji you want
  3. (optional) Select multiple emoji with shift+enter
  4. Hit enter to insert the emoji directly
    Hit alt+c to copy it to the clipboard
    alt+t or alt+p can be used to select a specific input method
  5. Maybe select a skin color
  6. 🎠

How does it look?

Screenshot of rofimoji

Insertion method

For some applications, xdotool cannot type emojis (f.e. Firefox). To work around this, rofimoji can copy the emojis to your clipboard and insert them from there with shift+insert. Afterwards, it will restore the previous contents. Unfortunately, it depends on the receiving application whether shift+insert uses the clipboard or the primary selection. Therefore, rofimoji uses both and also restores both.

By default, rofimoji uses xdotool type. To choose to spam your clipboards, you can either use the keybinding alt+p or start it as rofimoji --insert-with-clipboard (-p). If you want to use typing, you can hit alt+t, even though it was started with --insert-with-clipboard.


You can configure rofimoji either with cli arguments or with a config file called $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rofimoji.rc. For the file, use the long option names without double dashes.


long option short option possible values description
--skin-tone -s light, medium-light, moderate, dark brown, black, as well as neutral and ask Define the skin tone of supporting emojis. ask will always ask the user.
--rofi-args Define arguments that rofimoji will pass through to rofi.
--files -f emojis, arabic, arabic-indic, armenian, balinese, bamum, bengali, bopomofo, brahmi, braille, cherokee, coptic, cuneiform, cypriot, cyrillic, devanagari, egyptian, ethiopic, georgian, glagolitic, grantha, greek, gujarati, gurmukhi, hangul, hebrew, hiragana, kannada, katakana, khmer, latin, malayalam, miao, mongolian, myanmar, samaritan, sharada, signwriting, sinhala, tangut, telugu, tibetan, vai, yi or all or your file Define which file(s) to load characters from. You can define your own files, or use any of the default ones.
If set to all, all default files are used. Use with caution, that is a lot
If no file is set, the default emoji list is used.
--insert-with-clipboard -p Insert the selected emoji through pasting from the clipboard, instead of directly typing them. See Insertion Method.
--copy-only -c Only copy the selected characters to the clipboard without typing them.

Example config file


insert-with-clipboard = false
files = [emojis, hebrew]
skin-tone = moderate



A kind soul has packaged it as rofimoji. To, install, use sudo pacman -Syu rofimoji.

From sources

Download/clone the repository and call python setup.py install (with --user if you want to install it only for your user). This also installs the python dependencies xdg and configargparse.


What else do you need:

  • Python 3
  • A font that can display your scripts, (for emojis, EmojiOne or Noto Emoji work)
  • xdotool for typing the emoji
  • xsel to copy the emoji to the clipboard

For Ubuntu zesty: sudo aptitude install fonts-emojione python3 rofi xdotool xsel
For Arch: sudo pacman -Syu emoji-font python rofi xdotool xsel

Updating the emojis

This is only needed if a new Unicode version came out and you can't wait for the official update!

  1. Install Python 3 and pip install -r requirements.txt in the extractors directory.
  2. Run extract_emojis.py - this downloads the complete list from https://unicode.org/emoji/charts-12.0/full-emoji-list.html, so don't do it too often!
  3. The new emojis.csv should have been created. You might need to install rofimoji again.