
Vintage collection of some early programming work in Turbo Pascal

Primary LanguagePascalDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


This is a vintage collection of some early programming work in Turbo Pascal from the 1990s.

How to start

You will need an emulator like DOSBox to start the programs.

Alternatively, you can compile the source code yourself in an environment like TPWDB.

For compiling, you possibly need to adjust the path in initgraph(gd,gm,'..\BGI') to whereever your Turbo Pascal BGI path is.


Attacks – A PvE implementation of »Battleships«.

Bio – Four implementations of Conway's »Game of Life«.

Brown – An »Brownian surface« algorithm that generates a random geographic map.

Evolute – A predator-prey simulation with rabbits, wolves, and humans, in two variants.

Land – A configurable generator for random geographic maps.

Mandel – Four visualization programs of Mandelbrot and Julia set.

Thron – A game for up to six human or computer players, based on »Tron«.

Tiles – A tile board game for one player. Can you arrange all tiles on the board? ASCII visuals.

Turtle – Some turtle recursion graphics in tree and geometric style.

Units – A small library of custom procedures and functions.