mafia cards giver

simple telegram bot with rooms and passwords that gives you roles for playing "mafia" game


  • CMake 3.15 or something
  • CLang 9.0.0 or G++ 8.0 this stuff:
sudo apt install g++ make binutils cmake libssl-dev libboost-system-dev zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev


  git submodule init
  git submodule update --recursive
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake ..
  make -j4


./server_exec [api_key] #regular run
./server_exec [api_key] > log 2>&1 & #daemonize and save logs
demonize -o log -e log_err %(pwd)/server_run [api_key] #or like this


/start - start bot
/create - make room
/create 1 - make room with password "1"
/join abcdef - join room with id "abcdef"
/join abcdef 1 - join room with id "abcdef" and pass 1
/shuffle - command for admin to give roles
/set [role] [num] - set quantity of a role to given number
/roles - print out roles
/quit - exit room
/help - this message


  • add cards images
  • add buttons
  • add history cleaning