
TSKS11 course project - recommendation system that suggests movies to viewers based on grades given by other viewers (think Netflix)

Primary LanguagePython


About the project

TSKS11 course project

This project is published here only for the sake of sharing the knowledge. Unfortunately, the data that was used in the program could not be distributed beyond the participants of the TSKS11 course. To show a vague idea of how the test files looked like, please see below:

$ ls -hog data
total 4,7M
-rw-r--r-- 1  66K kwi 24 16:02 baseline.moviename
-rw-r--r-- 1 228K kwi 24 16:02 baseline.test
-rw-r--r-- 1 2,1M kwi 24 16:02 baseline.training
-rw-r--r-- 1  66K kwi 24 16:02 improved.moviename
-rw-r--r-- 1 236K kwi 24 16:02 improved.test
-rw-r--r-- 1 2,1M kwi 24 16:02 improved.training

All files originaly placed under data/ directory (this program also requires that).

  • *.training and *.test - (user, movie, rating): three numbers per row, comma-separated integers, connecting the indices user-movie with the rating that the user gave for the movie. As an example, row 4,1,4 indicates that user 4 gave the movie 1 a rating of 4.
  • *.moviename - (index; title; additional info): for example: 1; Toy Story (1995); Animation|Children's|Comedy


Install dependencies

pipenv install


pipenv run python recommend.py {baseline|improved}