
Vuepress plugin - Tabs Container for Vuepress

Primary LanguageLessOtherNOASSERTION

Version License

This is another version of vuepress-plugin-tabs that replace the css preprocessor to LESS.This plugin just for Vue 2.x and VuePress 1.x

If you don't want install python (node-sass need it), you can install this plugin.

Vuepress plugin - markdown custom container to display content in tabs from Element UI




This plugin requires VuePress >= 1.0.0, for now you can try it via yarn add vuepress@next -D

yarn add vuepress-plugin-element-tabs-less -D
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [


:::: tabs

::: tab title
__markdown content__

::: tab javascript
``` javascript
() => {
  console.log('Javascript code example')



Accepted Value Like That

:::: tabs type:board-card
::: tab title lazy
__markdown content__

Tabs Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
type type of Tab String card/border-card border-card
tab-position position of tabs String top/right/bottom/left top
stretch whether width of tab automatically fits its container Boolean - false

Tab Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
label title of the tab String - -
lazy whether Tab is lazily rendered Boolean - false



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