
A simple backup program for Windows.

Download setup.exe

Download sample backup-config.json

Download sample backup-config.txt


The program will search for drives that have a backup-config.json or backup-config.txt in their root file system.

The backup-config.json file is an array of job objects. Each job has an array of sources, and a destination. Each source should be an absolute path. The destination is relative to the drive containing the config file. Environment variables are expanded on both the sources and the destination.

The backup-config.txt file is used if a json file is not found. Lines beginning with # are comments and are ignored. Empty lines are also ignored. The first non comment line is the destination, and all other lines are sources. This means with a text based config, you are limited to one job.


The following two config examples are identical.


        "sources": [
        "destination": "backup/%username%"


# Destination

# Sources

This config will copy the user's Desktop and Documents folders to the backup drive in a folder named after their username in a backup folder in the root of the drive. For example, if the backup drive is F: and the username is Alice, folders \backup\Alice\Desktop and \backup\Alice\Documents will be created on drive F:.