Azure Traffic Manager is useful for site failover. However, it might fail back before the site has fully recovered because the probe might assume the site has recovered after a single success. The health endpoints that probes check should confirm full recovery, but may not cover complex failures. Failing back due to false negatives has adverse effects such as flapping.
- Create a simple circuit breaker to disable the down end points
- The "simple" intent is that it doesn't automatically return the breaker to the closed state, in other words, it doesn't re-enable the endpoint. It is assumed that an operator will judge whether failback is possible and manually failback
- Implement the breaker on Azure Functions (Go)
- Sample code is in this repository
- Tested on Linux Consumption plan
- Azure Monitor checks Azure Traffic Manager endpoint status metric and alerts the breaker when some endpoints are not online
flowchart LR
subgraph TM[Azure Traffic Manager]
method[Routing Method: Priority]
probe -- probe fail --x ep1[Endpoint1: high priority]
probe --> ep2[Endpoint2: low priority]
AM[Azure Monitor] -- watch metric --> TM
AM -- alert action --> breaker
subgraph AF[Azure Functions]
breaker[breaker function]
breaker -- disable endpoint on routing targets --> AAPI[Azure Resource Manager API]
Conditions are somewhat conservative considering the risks.
- Azure Traffic Manager Routing Method: Priority
- Alert Condition: Fired
- Have multiple endpoints
- Have at least one online endpoint
- Sort endpoints by priority and disable endpoints that are not online and have not been disabled. Exit if an online endpoint is found.
- "criterionType": "StaticThresholdCriterion"
- "threshold": 0
- "operator": "LessThanOrEqual"
- "timeAggregation": "Minimum"
- "evaluationFrequency": "PT1M"
- "windowSize": "PT1M"
- Implement full features of circuit breaker (Transition control Open/Half-Open/Closed)
- But complexity brings risk, so it might be better to give feedback the product handles it.
- Implement unit tests for functions that call Azure Resource Manager APIs