
Play melodies on Arduino with a PC speaker.

Primary LanguageC

ArWave 🔊

Play melodies on Arduino with a PC speaker.


  1. VS Code with the PlatformIO extension installed.
  2. Arduino board (tested on Arduino Leonardo).
  3. PC speaker or any piezoelectric buzzer.

Build instructions

  1. Connect a PC speaker to GND and 12 pins of your Arduino.
  2. Connect your Arduino to a PC with a USB cable.
  3. Open the workspace in VS Code.
  4. Compose your own melody (see below) and put it inside src/melody.h file.
  5. Build and upload a firmware using the PlaformIO project tasks.

How to compose your own melodies

Melody is loaded from the src/melody.h header file. It contains the following lines:

  • #define BPM {bpm} - defines BPM of your melody.
  • #define LENGTH {length} - defines amount of notes in your melody.
  • #define NOTES {notes} - defines notes that are used in your melody. See src/pitches.h for the reference.
  • #define DURATIONS {durations} - defines durations of corresponding notes. Use 1 for a whole note, 2 for a half note, 4 for a quarter note and so forth.

You can use examples from the examples directory to test a program.

Composing a melody from scratch may be a bit confusing, so it's recommended to use the ArWave Converter utility to convert single-track MIDI file to the melody header file.