
a multiwindow manager for openframeworks 007

Primary LanguageC++

[UPDATE] I am currently working on an openframeworks branch that includes the functionality of ofxFenster in the OF core. It is not as advanced as ofxFenster yet but is already usable on mac & linux. Check it out here: https://github.com/underdoeg/openFrameworks/tree/multiwindow


ofxFenster simplifies the cross platform handling of multiple windows within a single openframeworks app. It is an addon for openframeworks 0.07 built on top of a modified version of blenders window manager "ghost". The current state is stable and more or less production ready.

It should work on linux, mac and windows. Linux and mac should run fine, windows version does compile, but gets only occasional updates.

See this thread for more details: http://forum.openframeworks.cc/index.php/topic,6499.0.html

Or visit the generated docs: http://ofxfenster.undef.ch/docs/index.html


  • integrated into ofBaseApp
  • create and kill windows at runtime
  • opengl context sharing
  • separated event handling for every window
  • borderless windows
  • use an ofImage as app icon at runtime
  • multiple graphic cards and displays management on linux
  • drag and drop of files and textual clipboard access
  • ...


Screen shot


Thanks to Videosynthesis (http://videosynthesis.net). Pivotal Labs (http://pivotallabs.com).


ofxFenster has an MIT Licence http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License

GHOST is GPL licenced. The modified source code can be found here: https://github.com/underdoeg/ghost