
Primary LanguageDockerfile


Fly.io has a free tier for up to 3 shared-cpu-1x 256mb and 3GB of persistant storage! Lets leverage that for an uncompromising IRC client setup.

This project gives you a weechat instance, sprinkled with relay config, and SSH daemon and Glowing Bear on top. It also comes with a maintenance free TLS setup, because fly.io's ingress layer «just works».




Glowing Bear in the browser WeeChat over SSH
glowing-bear weechat


Glowing Bear Weechat Android app with notifications!
glowing-bear-mobile weechat-android weechat-notify


Create yourself a fly.io account.

Then pull the repo and;

# Install flyctl
curl -L https://fly.io/install.sh | sh

# Add your public key so you can ssh to the box
mkdir keys
cp <your-pub-key> keys/id.pub

# Change the relay password
sed -i 's/ChangeThis/<new-password>/' config/relay.conf

# Add your own project name to it (becoms your hostname <name>.fly.dev`)
sed 's/irc-on-fly/<your-project-name>/' fly.toml

# Add a persistant volume, choose a nearby region
fly volumes create weechat --size 1

# Deploy!
fly deploy


Glowing Bear is a static HTML page with no backend, everything happens in your browser. Fill inn you hostname (<name>.fly.dev) and password and voila.


or this

ssh -p 2222 irc-on-fly.fly.dev -t 'screen -rd'

or download the Weechat Android app.


fly ssh console immediately gives you a root shell. Supervisord logs to files in /app/.

Tips and party tricks

Use tmux instead of screen (untested)

If tmux is your prefered choice; install it in the Dockerfile. and alter the command in supervisord.conf with

command=/usr/bin/tmux -L weechat new -d -s weechat weechat

Persist config

This setup hold WeeChat config files in the folder repo:config/weechat/ for ease of bootstrap and reproduceability. Because WeeChat really like to have all changes done via the command line here are a couple of steps for fetching your running config file down to your local repo.

In weechat

  • /autojoin --run to store the channels to join
  • /layout store to store the order of the channels
  • /save to save your settings to a disk

Get the files and have your repo be the source of truth on next deploy.

FILES="irc plugins relay weechat"
for file in $FILES; do scp -P 2222 -i <key> "weechat@<name>.fly.dev:.weechat/${file}.conf" config/weechat/; done

Add plugins

Add to Dockerfile, just besides the autojoin.py.