
Dotfiles and config setups

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This project will help you setting up your favorite apps with setups and configs already created. It main script will automatically install all the setups you have select.

What is a setup

A setup is the process of installing an aplication dependencies and generating config files.

What is a config file

A config file is a text file where an aplication configuration is stored.


git clone https://github.com/tory1103/dotfiles.git # Clone github repository
cd dotfiles # Change directory

sudo chmod +x install.sh # Give execution perms

# To install setups run:
./install.sh <setup1> <setup2> ... <setupN>  # Install selected setups
# or
./install.sh all # Install all setups

# Show help menu
./install.sh help # Displays help menu

NOTE: The script must be run with SUDO

Importing your first setup

Imagine you want to import neovim config, you could make it manually copying ./config/nvim folder into ~/.config/ or using the installation script.

The script will install dependencies automatically and make needed changes to files.

./install.sh neovim # Installs neovim and imports config files
# or
./setups/nvim.sh # Installs neovim and imports config files

NOTE: You must be in the parent folder (./dotfiles/)

In some cases setups could interfere each others, our recommendation is to install one by one the setups.

Neovim setup details

Folders and files modified:

  • ~/.config/nvim/

When installed run :PlugInstall inside neovim to install plugins

Coc setup details

Folders and files modified:

  • ~/.config/coc/

Coc extension list:

  • coc-clangd
  • coc-css
  • coc-docker
  • coc-go
  • coc-java
  • coc-json
  • coc-pairs
  • coc-phpls
  • coc-python
  • coc-snippets
  • coc-tsserver

When installed restart your terminal and run :CocUpdate inside neovim to update coc extensions

NOTE: If clangd doesn't work, run :CocCommand clangd.install

Zsh setup details

Folders and files modified:

  • ~/.config/zsh/
  • ~/.zshrc

When installed restart your terminal

How setups works

All the setups installs current aplication dependencies and creates restorations points for config folders and files. It also copies configs to it correct path.

How to restore old config files

Restoration points are stored in the same folder as the config file. For example, neovim restoration point is stored in ~/.config/nvim.dotfiles/.

To restore this config remove current config folder (~/.config/nvim/) and move it restoration folder to the path.

rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/ # Remove current config foler
mv ~/.config/nvim.dotfiles/ ~/.config/nvim/ # Mover restoration point