WDI Radio: Backbone Edition

For this app, your job is to build a single-page app that plays music. It's a real, functional tunr!

For a working solution, please see the deployed version.

API Setup

Fork and clone this repo. We'll be using a rails back end. It'll be a single model CRUD API for songs. Lets go into this directory and run all our initial rails setup and run our server.

$ cd wdi_radio_api
$ bundle install
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed
$ rails s

This will be the backend we'll be using, from http://localhost:3000.

Tuesday: Add Models, Collections and Item Views

Models and Collections

  • Create a main index.html for your Backbone application
  • Create a directory for js, and in it, make directories for models, and collections
  • Add an app.js to your js directory
  • Install Backbone dependencies using Bower.
  • Create a file necessary for creating a Model definition for Song
  • Create a file necessary for creating a Collection definition for Songs
  • Write the appropriate Model definition for Song
  • Write the appropriate Collection definition for Songs

Item View

  • Define a Backbone item view for your Song model.
  • Create a render method and corresponding Handlebars template that defines your view's .$el.
  • Create a listenTo statement that causes the view to re-render upon change.
  • Create events that correspond with the following actions. You will need to make new methods and/or Handlebars templates for most of these.
    • Rendering an "Edit Song" form.
    • Canceling an "Edit Song" form.
    • Updating a Grumble with new data.
    • Deleting a Grumble.


  • Add functionality to sort songs (e.g., by artists, title, album).
  • Add a search box that live-filters the list of songs.
  • Add a list of recently played songs to the player view.
  • Add a playlist model to the app, and let the user create and play playlists.