Project - Data Lake


A music streaming startup, Sparkify, has grown their user base and song database even more and want to move their data warehouse to a data lake. Their data resides in S3, in a directory of JSON logs on user activity on the app, as well as a directory with JSON metadata on the songs in their app.

In this project, I'll build an ETL pipeline for a data lake hosted on S3. I will load data from S3, process the data into analytics tables using Spark, and load them back into S3. I'll deploy this Spark process on a cluster using AWS.

Get started

  1. Configure dl.cfg file
  1. To deploy application to development enviroment, move project directory from local to EMR
 scp -i <.pem-file> <Local-Path> <username>@<EMR-MasterNode-Endpoint>:~<EMR-path>
  1. Run spark job (Before running job make sure EMR Role have access to s3)
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client --driver-memory 4g --num-executors 2 --executor-memory 2g --executor-core 2

ELT pipeline

  1. Ingest data from S3

    • Song data: s3://udacity-dend/song_data
    • Log data: s3://udacity-dend/log_data

    The script reads song_data and load_data from S3.

  2. Process data using spark on EMR

    Transforms dataset and create five different tables listed below :

    Fact Table

    songplays - records in log data associated with song plays i.e. records with page NextSong songplay_id, start_time, user_id, level, song_id, artist_id, session_id, location, user_agent

    Dimension Tables

    users - users in the app Fields - user_id, first_name, last_name, gender, level

    songs - songs in music database Fields - song_id, title, artist_id, year, duration

    artists - artists in music database Fields - artist_id, name, location, lattitude, longitude

    time - timestamps of records in songplays broken down into specific units Fields - start_time, hour, day, week, month, year, weekday

  3. Write result data to S3

    Writes them to partitioned parquet files in table directories on S3.