
Python scraper to scrape products from https://www.newegg.com/

Primary LanguagePython

NewEgg Product Scraper

Python script to scrape products from https://www.newegg.com/

NewEgg product scraper

How it works:

Each script execution will open All Deals page and navigate through the pages of the product catalog to collect product URLs.
Product URLs are stored in-memory and when a total of num_products are collected, it will proceed to scrape the details page of the products.
Details are scraped for each product and appended to a .csv file.

Configurable arguments:

  • --product_count - How many product to scrape data for (defaul=500)
  • --page_size - How many products per page are shown when navigating through the catalog (default=96)
  • --first_page_number - Page number to start collecting products from, e.g --first_page_number=5, will skip pages 1 to 4 (default=1)
  • --requests_delay - Delay in seconds before sending a request to retieve a page. Helpful against scraping detectors (default=1)
  • --file_path - Output .csv file path (default=data/products_{unix_timestamp}.csv)


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/toshevnikola/new-egg-scraper
cd new-egg-scraper

Local env

Few steps are required to run in local env

  1. Setup virtal environment
python -m venv venv


virtualenv venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment


source venv/bin/activate 


  1. Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run scraper With default args:
python app/main.py

Overwrite default args:

python app/main.py --product_count=100 --page_size=60 --first_page_number=1 --requests_delay=2 


Start the scraper as a docker service:

docker-compose up

Overwrite the default args by adding them as commands in the docker-compose.yaml file

Docker run

Start the scraper as a standalone docker container:

docker build . -t scraper-app:v1 

Run with default args:

docker run --rm --volume=./docker-data:/app/data scraper-app:v1

Overwrite default args:

docker run --rm --volume=./docker-data:/app/data scraper-app:v1 --product_count=100 --page_size=96 --first_page_number=1 --requests_delay=5


Run unit tests

python -m pytest app/tests


Libraries used for linting and formatting:

  • black - Code formatter
  • flake8 - Linter
  • isort[black] - Import sorter

For consistency run the following commands prior to committing:

black app
flake8 app
isort app
