Created with R2022b. Compatible with R2021b and later releases
I wrote a custom function that parses posts from a subreddit, and here is an example of how to use it, if you are interested.
The function gets data from Reddit RSS feed instead of API, so that we don't have to deal with OAuth.
First, let's get the posts from MATLAB subreddit, using "hot" sortby option. Other options include new, top, rising, etc. This returns a nested structure array.
s = getReddit(subreddit='matlab',sortby='hot',limit=100,max_requests=1);
Since default input values are set in the function, you can just call getReddit() without input arguments if the default is what you need.
Now let's extract text from fields of interest and organize them as columns in a table array T.
T = table;
T.Subreddit = arrayfun(@(x) string(,s);
T.Flair = arrayfun(@(x), s, UniformOutput=false);
T.Flair(cellfun(@isempty,T.Flair)) = {''};
T.Flair = string(T.Flair);
T.Title = arrayfun(@(x) string(, s);
T.Body = arrayfun(@(x) string(, s);
T.Author = arrayfun(@(x) string(, s);
T.Created_UTC = datetime(arrayfun(@(x), s), "ConvertFrom","epochtime");
T.Permalink = arrayfun(@(x) string(, s);
T.Ups = arrayfun(@(x), s);
T = table2timetable(T,"RowTimes","Created_UTC");
isPinned = year(T.Created_UTC) < 2023;
T(isPinned,:) = [];
Summarize the number of tweets by day and visualize it.
% Compute group summary
dailyCount = groupsummary(T,"Created_UTC","day");
ylabel('Number of posts')
title('Daily posts')
Use lower case
T.Title = lower(T.Title);
T.Body = lower(T.Body);
Replace blank space char
T.Title = decodeHTMLEntities(T.Title);
T.Title = replace(T.Title,"​"," ");
T.Body = decodeHTMLEntities(T.Body);
T.Body = replace(T.Body,"​"," ");
Remove URLs
T.Body = eraseURLs(T.Body);
Remove code
T.Body = eraseBetween(T.Body,"`","`","Boundaries","inclusive");
T.Body = eraseBetween(T.Body," ",newline,"Boundaries","inclusive");
Remove tables
tblels = asManyOfPattern(alphanumericsPattern(1) | characterListPattern("[]\*:- "),1);
tbls = asManyOfPattern("|" + tblels) + "|" + optionalPattern(newline);
T.Body = replace(T.Body,tbls,'');
Remove some verbose text from Java
T.Body = eraseBetween(T.Body,'java.lang.',newline,'Boundaries','inclusive');
T.Body = eraseBetween(T.Body,'at com.mathworks.',newline,'Boundaries','inclusive');
T.Body = eraseBetween(T.Body,'at java.awt.',newline,'Boundaries','inclusive');
T.Body = eraseBetween(T.Body,'at',newline,'Boundaries','inclusive');
Combine the title and body text and turn it into tokenized documents and do some more clean-ups.
docs = T.Title + ' ' + T.Body;
docs = tokenizedDocument(docs,'CustomTokens',{'c++','c#','notepad++'});
docs = removeStopWords(docs);
docs = replace(docs,digitsPattern,"");
docs = erasePunctuation(docs);
docs = removeWords(docs,"(:");
Use the tokenized documents to generate a bag of words model using bigrams.
bag = bagOfNgrams(docs,"NgramLengths",2);
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