
Implementation of Hierarchy Oblivious Algorithms

Primary LanguageC++

Hierarchy Oblivious Algorithms

under construction

Algorithm samples

  • stencil : A simple 3D stencil sample with recursive temporal blocking

  • matrix multiply: Dense matrix multuply with recursive divide and conquer

  • all pairs shortest path: Solve all pairs shortest path problem by Floyd-Warshall algorithm with recursive divide and conquer approach


Toshio Endo. Applying Recursive Temporal Blocking for Stencil Computations to Deeper Memory Hierarchy. In proceedings of the 7th IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA 2018). Aug 2018. [DOI: 10.1109/NVMSA.2018.00016]

(see ./docs/ directory)


Toshio Endo (endo-at-is.titech.ac.jp)

Twitter: toshioendo

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