
Vagrant VM IoC for Ubuntu with Docker daemon

Primary LanguageShell

Docker in Vagrant Ubuntu VM


  • virtualbox
  • virtualbox-extension-pack
  • vagrant
  • vagrant-vbguest


Folder share

By default, docker mounts will work within $HOME/workspace folder, but feel free to adjust this to your needs.

Use vagrant reload to apply new configuration - beware this will reboot your VM with all the containers running on it

Port forwaring

If you mount any ports on docker host to container, you can reach them from actual VM host by editiling Vagrant file ports array.

Use vagrant reload to apply new configuration - beware this will reboot your VM with all the containers running on it


  • Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/toshke/vagrant-ubuntu-docker.git && cd vagrant-ubuntu-docker
  • To create and run the VM
make provision
  • To connect to Docker from the host
eval $(make env) && docker info


Docker desktop application for MacOS seems to be taking 2 full cores on my mac, all of the time. It's not hyperkit issues it's actual Docker app that is having 100% cpu usage


Running docker via minikube as suggested by this post yielded veeery poor disk perfromance for myself. E.g. running du -h -d1 within average node_modules folders took > 10 secs. On VMBox/Ubuntu mounted option, this works with sub-second performance.

While aforemntioned post suggests against 3 layer drive mapping, this works just fine for myself, and in competition of 3 (Docker 4 desktop, Minikube, Vagrant provisioned VM) works the best.

Potential issues

VBox may complain if ip is already reserved by another network iface on your computer. Just edit Vagrantfile#4 to apply available IP