Fork of the Node.js CSRF protection middleware.
Requires either a session middleware or cookie-parser to be initialized first.
- If you are setting the "cookie" option to a non-
value, then you must use cookie-parser before this module. - Otherwise, you must use a session middleware before this module. For example:
If you have questions on how this module is implemented, please read Understanding CSRF.
$ npm install csurf
var csurf = require('csurf')
Create a middleware for CSRF token creation and validation. This middleware
adds a req.csrfToken()
function to make a token which should be added to
requests which mutate state, within a hidden form field, query-string etc.
This token is validated against the visitor's session or csrf cookie.
The csurf
function takes an optional options
object that may contain
any of the following keys:
Determines if the token secret for the user should be stored in a cookie
or in req.session
. Defaults to false
When set to true
(or an object of options for the cookie), then the module
changes behavior and no longer uses req.session
. This means you are no
longer required to use a session middleware. Instead, you do need to use the
cookie-parser middleware in
your app before this middleware.
When set to an object, cookie storage of the secret is enabled and the
object contains options for this functionality (when set to true
, the
defaults for the options are used). The options may contain any of the
following keys:
- the name of the cookie to use to store the token secret (defaults to'_csrf'
- the path of the cookie (defaults to'/'
).- any other res.cookie option can be set.
An array of the methods for which CSRF token checking will disabled.
Defaults to ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']
Determines what property ("key") on req
the session object is located.
Defaults to 'session'
(i.e. looks at req.session
). The CSRF secret
from this library is stored and read as req[sessionKey].csrfSecret
If the "cookie" option is not false
, then this option does
Provide a function that the middleware will invoke to read the token from
the request for validation. The function is called as value(req)
and is
expected to return the token as a string.
The default value is a function that reads the token from the following locations, in order:
- typically generated by thebody-parser
- a built-in from Express.js to read from the URL query string.req.headers['csrf-token']
- theCSRF-Token
HTTP request header.req.headers['xsrf-token']
- theXSRF-Token
HTTP request header.req.headers['x-csrf-token']
- theX-CSRF-Token
HTTP request header.req.headers['x-xsrf-token']
- theX-XSRF-Token
HTTP request header.
Determines whether token verification happens automatically or upon calling
the req.verifytoken()
method inside the method. This is false by default to keep backward compatibility with the original middle.
Simple express example
The following is an example of some server-side code that generates a form that requires a CSRF token to post back.
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser')
var csrf = require('csurf')
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
var express = require('express')
// setup route middlewares
var csrfProtection = csrf({ cookie: true })
var parseForm = bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false, unintrusive:false })
// create express app
var app = express()
// parse cookies
// we need this because "cookie" is true in csrfProtection
app.get('/form', csrfProtection, function(req, res) {
// pass the csrfToken to the view
res.render('send', { csrfToken: req.csrfToken() })
app.post('/process', parseForm, csrfProtection, function(req, res) {
res.send('data is being processed')
// When unintrusive is set to true
app.post('/resetpassword', function(req, res) {
req.verifytoken(); // call only when required to validate
// do normal work
Inside the view (depending on your template language; handlebars-style
is demonstrated here), set the `csrfToken` value as the value of a hidden
input field named `_csrf`:
<form action="/process" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="_csrf" value="{{csrfToken}}">
Favorite color: <input type="text" name="favoriteColor">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Ignoring Routes
CSRF should be disabled for API areas of websites where requests are all going to be fully authenticated and should be rate limited. The following is an example of how to ignore API routing using routers & express.
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser')
var csrf = require('csurf')
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
var express = require('express')
// setup route middlewares
var csrfProtection = csrf({ cookie: true })
var parseForm = bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false })
// create express app
var app = express()
// parse cookies
// we need this because "cookie" is true in csrfProtection
// create api router
var api = createApiRouter()
// mount api before csrf is appended to the app stack
app.use('/api', api)
// now add csrf, after the "/api" was mounted
app.get('/form', function(req, res) {
// pass the csrfToken to the view
res.render('send', { csrfToken: req.csrfToken() })
app.post('/process', parseForm, function(req, res) {
res.send('csrf was required to get here')
function createApiRouter() {
var router = new express.Router()
router.post('/getProfile', function(req, res) {
res.send('no csrf to get here')
return router
Custom error handling
When the CSRF token validation fails, an error is thrown that has
err.code === 'EBADCSRFTOKEN'
. This can be used to display custom
error messages.
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser')
var csrf = require('csurf')
var express = require('express')
var app = express()
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }))
app.use(csrf({ cookie: true }))
// error handler
app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
if (err.code !== 'EBADCSRFTOKEN') return next(err)
// handle CSRF token errors here
res.send('form tampered with')