This ansible role is for installing virtual machines using ansible with libvirt.
The role presumes you have an hypervisor running Linux with KVM and Libvirt. It uses virt-install to execute the installation of the VM. The role can deply to multiple architectures and distributions.
The list of the variables that are used :
- hyper (required)
- The hypervisor the virtual machine will run on, this variable is the ansible host name as in the host file
- distro (required)
- The distribution name that the virtual machine need to be installed with
- machinearch (required)
- The machine architecture to use for the virtual machine
- machinetype (optional) [ the machinetype used by qemu ]
- The machine type of the virtual machine and refers to the machine type qemu will use, if none is given the default machine type will be used
- virtualcputype (optional) [ whatever qemu can use ]
- The cpu emulation type of the virtual machine that qemu can virtualize, if none is given the default qemu cputype is used
- virtualcpus (required)
- The number of vcpus to assing to the virtual machine (or the multiple of virtualsockets x virtualcores x virtualthreads)
- virtualsockets (optional) [required if virtualcores and virtualthreads is used]
- The number of sockets that the vcpus use
- virtualcores (optional) [required if virtualcores and virtualthreads is used]
- The number of cores the vcpu has per socket
- virtualthreads (optional) [required if virtualcores and virtualthreads is used]
- The number of threads a vcpu core has
- ramsize (required)
- The total RAM size of the virtual machine
- vmwaittime (required)
- The time to wait before polling if the virtual machine has completed installation
- language (required)
- The language the virtual machine wil be installed in
- keyboard (required)
- The keyboard of the virtual machine
- timezone (required)
- The timezone of the virtual machine
- rootpwd (required) [ password that goes into the autoinstall file ]
- The root password of the virtual machine
- sshdrsakeylength (required) [RHEL][CENTOS][SCIENTIFIC][POWEREL][UBUNTU][DEBIAN]
- The ssh rsa key length to regenerate
- sshdecdsakeylength (required) [RHEL][CENTOS][SCIENTIFIC][POWEREL][UBUNTU][DEBIAN]
- The ssh ecdsa key length to regenerate
- locale (required)
- The locale setting of the virtual machine
- virtualfilespath (required)
- The path used to store any temporary files
- nics (required) [ each line is a nic in the guest with the link on the hypervisor ] { type: (required) , name: (required) , model: (required) , device: (required) , onboot: (required) , bootproto: (required) , ip: (required) , netmask: (required) , gateway: (required) , route: (required) , nameserver: (required) , network (optional) , broadcast: (optional) , mtu: (optional) }
- The mapping of physical and virtual networking with all networking information for the networking card in the virtual machine
- kickstartdevice (optional) [RHEL][CENTOS][SCIENTIFIC][POWEREL]
- The network interface in the virtual machine to use for kickstarting the system
- preseednic (optional) [UBUNTU][DEBIAN]
- The network interface in the virtual machine to use for preseed the system
- autoinstallnic (required) [OPENBSD]
- The network interface in the virtual machine to use to run the autoinstall script
- hostname (required)
- The hostname of the virtual machine
- disks { path: (required) , size: (required) , }
- The disks that need to be created
- iscsi (optional) [ creates iscsi initiator lun's for use in the installation process ] { iqnname: (required) , server: (required) , username: (required) , password: (required) }
- The iscsi disk to setup in the virtual machine
- iscsinic (required)
- The network controller to use for the iscsi connection
- The partition as the installer wants them seperate per line, on Red Hat based systems, kickstart partitions line, on Debian based systems preseed partitions line
- bootloader (required) [RHEL][CENTOS][SCIENTIFIC][POWEREL]
- The bootloader kickstart line that is required to install the bootloader of the installation, eg : "bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=vda,vdb,vdc"
- bootpartition (required) [UBUNTU][DEBIAN]
- The device name of the MBR device
- python_version (optional) [OPENBSD]
- The python version to install so we can use ansible modules
- users (optional) { name: (required) , id: (required) , sshpubkey: (required) )
- The users to be created on the virtual machine, this is actually used by another role, but has been added here for future usage
- webserver (required) [UBUNTU][DEBIAN]
- The webserver name to be used for post-preseed commands as listed in the inventory
- webpath (required) [UBUNTU][DEBIAN]
- The path on the webserver where to place the post-preseed file
- weburl (required) [UBUNTU][DEBIAN]
- The url that the new vm can use to get the post-preseed file from the webserver
- webuser (required) [UBUNTU][DEBIAN]
- The user on the webserver that has access to the folder and that the webserver deamon can read from
See the example folder
- Red Hat, CentOS, Scientific Linux, Oracle Unbreackable, PowerEL - version 7
- examples/el7
- Ubuntu based distribution LTS 14.04, 16.04
- examples/ubuntu
- OpenBSD based distribution 5.7 or higher
- examples/openbsd
- Ansible (on the management node)
- Libvirt with python modules including the virt-install tool
- Access to the Linux Distribution Repositories (on the hypervisor)
- qemu-img module for ansible
The role is currently supported for :
- x86_64
- powerpc (ppc64,ppc64le,ppc64el,powerpc)
Currently working distributions that have been tested (in a limited capacity):
- CentOS7
- CentOS6
Red Hat
- PEL7
Scientific Linux
- SL7
- SL6
Debian :
- debian8
- debian7
Ubuntu :
- ubuntu 16.04 lts
- ubuntu 14.04 lts
- from 5.7 using autoinstall
MS Windows
- WinSrv2012(r2)
- WinSrv2008(r2)
The role is being worked on for the following distros :
- FreeBSD (works in some cases)
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows 7 Pro / Windows 10 Pro (VDI, requires better graphics support)
- Toshaan Bharvani - - (