
Attention encoder network for entity-based sentiment analysis

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tosin Dairo APR 29, 2020

Attention encoder network for entity-based sentiment analysis


With VENV Create a new virtual environment and install packages.

virtualenv -p python3 venv

source ./venv/bin/activate

Install requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Trained model can be downloaded from trained_model link.

Save model in new directory /state_dict/

Example notebook with sufficient documentation can be followed in test_runner.ipynb directory.

Hyperparameters can be tweaked through dictionary found in config/global_args.py directory.


The goal of the exercise is to design a state-of-the-art model to solve the problem of entity-based sentiment analysis. Entity-based sentiment analysis is widely used to automatically detect the opinion expressed towards named entities. It is particularly social and news media analytics

Problem definition

Given a sentence and a named entity contained within a sentence, predict the sentiment towards the named entity

Targeted Goals

  • Handling unseen vocabulary
  • Predict the sentiment of an entity
  • Predict contrastive sentences
  • K-fold cross-validation
  • Performance statistics

Technical Solution

With constant improvement and development in Natural Language Processing seen with deep learning application. Tranformer’s encoder decoder design have adopted attention mechanisms, which have enforced the model to pay more attention to input sentences with relations to their target entity.

Based on the targeted goal to handle unseen vocabulary, text is divided into a limited set of common sub-word units known as wordpieces for both input and output. A data-driven approach that is guarantees to generate a deterministic segmentation for any possible sequence of characters is adopted using a wordpiece model (WPM) like BERT.

In order to achieve an entity-based sentiment analysis, an attentional encoder network AEN is put together to calculate the hidden states and realtionship between entity and input sentences. AEN model enhances the performance of basic BERT model and obtains new state-of-the-art results. This attention based technique outperforms traditional machine learning methods and rule-based methods which are usually heavily reliant on feature engineering works which is not so productive in practice.

Attentional encoder network (AEN), in this implementation is made up of BERT embedding layer, an attentional encoder layer, a target-specific attention layer, and an output layer.

Trained model on GPU to attain the below metrics measuring accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score.

Performance statistics

A k-fold cross-validation is used estimate how the model is expected to perform in general when used to make predictions on data not used during the training of the model. This helps to achieve less biased or less optimistic estimate of the trained model compared to simple train/test split.

Predicting contrastive sentences whenever 2 sentiments and entities come up within a sentence is solved by compiling a list of contrastive words used in sentences, then search through input sentence for contrastive words and split then sentence into 2 at that point. This then allows the AEN model to concetrate on the part of the sentence entity appears and search for the sentiment to determine it’s polarity.


  • Require more data to pretrain model for improved F1-score as hyperparameters depends on data volume
  • Split technique for contrastive sentences is limited to sentiment existing in the split half

Original adaptation and code reference can be found HERE

What Next?

  • Improve on model’s ability to handle contrastive sentences by building a custom dependency tree parser. This would help in mapping dependencies and making sentiment predictions when combined as an ensemble prediction from both the split and dependency tree parsing method.
  • Model requires more data for improved predictions and higher F1-score.
