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Client-Side Application Repository


API docs



using npm

$ npm install

using yarn

$ yarn install


If a change in code is detected, the deployment pipeline work as below.

  1. AWS Codecommit capture a change then notice to AWS Codebuild
  2. AWS Codebuild get the source from Github then execute a build script
  3. When building success, Codebuild sends artifacts to AWS Elastic Beanstalk to deploy to Scaling Group.
  4. When deploying success, AWS Cloudwatch call AWS Lambda Function
  5. AWS Lambda Function sends an alarm to Slack Channel.
  6. When the build fails, Codebuild deprecates the source. Then it runs process no.4 and no.5


Based on a layered architecture that composed of repository, service, controller.


To gain testability, dependency has been injected into contactor between layers.

For a in-memory test, query builder has been selected rather than ORM.
