
Colour configuration in qqtopr

ejade42 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I love this package! By far the best GWAS visualisation package I've found. In most respects it's extremely customisable, which is excellent.

However, one thing that I have not been able to customise is the colour of the y = x line in qqtopr. I looked at the code and it seems to be hardcoded to "#808080" (line 63 of qqtopr.R). Is there any way this could be made customisable as an argument to the qqtopr function?

Thank you!

Hi and thank you!

And yes, no problem, I can add that as an argument in the next release. Im currently working on the next version which I aim to release before February! I will keep you posted.

topr v.2.0.0 has been released and you can change the color of the diagonal line on the qqplot with the diagonal_line_color argument, like so:

qqtopr(CD_UKBB, diagonal_line_color = "red")