
Helper Docker image for running SSH commands in CI

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

SSH Deployer Image

This Docker image is a CI helper to execute remote commands using SSH. Basically, it is based on Alpine Linux and contains the OpenSSH client and a shell script.


1. Configure CI variables

Configure the following environment variables in your CI system:

  • SSH_HOST: The hostname/IP of the remote server you want to connect to.
  • SSH_PORT (optional, defaults to 22): The SSH port of the remote server.
  • SSH_USER (optional, defaults to root): The SSH user you want to authenticate with.
  • SSH_FINGERPRINT: The SSH fingerprint of the remote server. It can be retrieved by running ssh-keyscan -H <server>.
  • SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: Your SSH private key. It can be retrieved by running cat ~/.ssh/<your_private_key>. The public key has to be authorized on the remote server.

You can also encode the fingerprint and private key values using base64 into SSH_FINGERPRINT_BASE64 and SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64. Do so by adding | base64 after the command.

Note: Old images of sshdeployer used the SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT and SERVER_FINGERPRINT variables.

2. Configure the CI pipeline

Finally, add the script to your CI step or workflow.

For example, for GitLab CI, you can add a deploy step to update a service after publication.

  stage: deploy
  image: totakoko/sshdeployer
    - |
      remote "docker image pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG:latest
              docker compose up -d service"
    - main
