
What jQuery would look like if it was released in 2021

Primary LanguageJavaScript

domProxy (alpha)

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What jQuery would look like if it was released in 2021


import $ from './domProxy.js';

$('.el').children.hidden = true;
$('.el').setAttribute('data-b','x').setAttribute('data-b', 'y');
$('.el').nextAll('.deleteable', true /* including self */).remove();

how it works

All nodes are wrapped with a proxy. When accessing the nodes, the lib first checks if there is an own property, if not, the correct property of the elements is used. If a method returns undefined on elements, the domProxy will be returned to allow chaining. (addEventListener, setAttribute, ...)


nodeList.next(selector?: string, includingMe?:boolean) 
// returns next sibling that matches

nodeList.nextAll(selector?: string, includingMe?:boolean)
// returns all next siblings that matches

nodeList.prev(selector?: string, includingMe?:boolean) 
// returns previous sibling that matches

nodeList.prevAll(selector?: string, includingMe?:boolean) 
// returns all previous matching siblings

nodeList.parent(selector?: string, includingMe?:boolean) 
// returns next parent that matches

nodeList.parentAll(selector?: string, includingMe?:boolean)
// returns all parents matching

// ...and every api available on the Elements itself