
Ansible role to installs Hass.io - Home Assistant

Primary LanguageShell

An Ansible role for creating a fully functional HASSIO Server with ha CLI.

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ansible-role-hassio is a high-quality Ansible Role that deploys HASSIO to your ansible clients.

Hass.io is an operating system that will take care of installing and updating Home Assistant, is managed from the Home Assistant UI, allows creating/restoring snapshots of your configuration and can easily be extended using Hass.io add-ons including Google Assistant and Let’s Encrypt.

Note: This Ansible role is currently only supported on Debian 10 as per hass.io documentation, it may work on other OS however I have not tested this.



ansible-galaxy install totaldebug.hassio

Role Variables

Input Default Description
hassio_user hassio Default user for running hassio
hassio_group hassio Default group for running hassio
supervisor homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor Docker file to use for supervisor (changes based on OS Architecture)
machine qemux86-64 Machine type (qemux86, qemux86-64, armv6l, armv7l, aarch64)
hassio_share /usr/share/hassio main configuration location
hassio_version latest Change the version if you want to deploy a specific one
hassio_config /etc/hassio.json Hassio Config File
hassio_bin /usr/sbin/hassio-supervisor binary location for hassio-supervisor
docker_bin /usr/bin/docker Docker binary location

Example Playbook


- name: Install Hassio
  hosts: all
  become: yes
  gather_facts: no
    - hassio_share: "/usr/share/hassio"   #Default
    - version: latest   #Default
     - totaldebug.hassio


Install Hassio ✔️
Install hassio-supervisor service ✔️
Install hassio-apparmor service ✔️


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This project follows semantic versioning.

In the context of semantic versioning, consider the role contract to be defined by the role variables.

  • Breaking Changes or changes that require user intervention will increase the major version. This includes changing the default value of a role variable.
  • Changes that do not require user intervention, but add new features, will increase the minor version.
  • Bug fixes will increase the patch version.


marksie1988 (Steven Marks)


Reach out to me at one of the following places:

  • via Discord
  • Raise an issue in GitHub


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License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0