
Get the most replayed segments in a YouTube video 📹

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

npm yt_most_replayed 0.0.1

YouTube Heat Map Data Extraction

This project uses Puppeteer to obtain the most replayed sections in a YouTube video by analyzing the heat map and JSON data. It's effective but not foolproof, especially for longer videos (+40 min) where accuracy may decline.

⚠️ Help is needed to improve the accuracy of the segments. This is a rudimentary implementation.

Some of the features are:

  • Extract YouTube video heat map data.
  • Identify frequently replayed sections.
  • Manage ads during data extraction.

To install this package, just run>

pnpm install yt_most_replayed


getMostReplayedParts(videoId, parts) extracts the most replayed parts of a YouTube video.

  • videoId: The YouTube video's unique ID.
  • parts: Number of top replayed parts to return.


const { getMostReplayedParts } = require("yt_most_replayed")

getMostReplayedParts("dQw4w9WgXcQ", 3)
  .then((data) => console.log(data))
  .catch((error) => console.error(error))

extractYoutubeSvgHeatmap(page, videoId, retryCount, maxRetries) is an internal function to extract heat map data from a YouTube page.

processHeatMapData(heatMapHTML, videoLength) processes the extracted heat map HTML and video length to determine replayed parts.

analyzeSegments(segments, videoLength) analyzes segments extracted from the heat map for replay intensity.

extractYoutubeJsonData(page) extracts JSON data from a YouTube video page for additional insights.


Contributions are welcome. Please submit pull requests with improvements or bug fixes.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT License.

Note: This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by YouTube. It is intended for educational and research purposes only. Use responsibly and adhere to YouTube's Terms of Service.