
mihoyo.system is a Django-based web app that accesses and analyses Genshin Impact player data .


This project tries to provide a user-friendly interface for retrieving and displaying character information from Genshin Impact, including stats, constellations, and basic damage calculations.


By the end of the project, I hoped to achieve the following:

  • Create a clean and intuitive UI that's easy for players to navigate.
  • Fetch character data accurately and efficiently using the Enka.Network API.
  • Display character information in a clear and organized manner.
  • Implement basic damage calculation functionality for player analysis.

Technologies Used

  • Backend:
    • Python
    • Django (Web framework)
    • EnkaNetwork API Wrapper (For interacting with the Enka.Network API)
  • Frontend:
    • HTML
    • CSS (Massively theme from HTML5 UP)
    • JavaScript (For minor interactions)

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/totallynotnochi/mihoyo.systems
  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Start the Django server:

    python manage.py runserver
  4. Open in your browser:
