
My GitHub profile README.md ⭐:octocat:


I'm someone who is passionate about GNU/Linux and likes to write code.


Ever since I joined GitHub 6 years ago, I pushed 16610 commits, opened 201 issues, submitted 433 pull requests, received 10522 stars across 100 personal projects, and contributed to 137 public repositories.

I mostly write Rust these days. See my pinned repositories below.

Also, here are a few interesting projects (written in C, Go, Python, JS) that are worth mentioning:

  • CoolModFiles - A web player that plays some cool MOD files randomly
  • kermit - A VTE-based, simple and froggy terminal emulator
  • zps - A small utility for listing and reaping zombie processes
  • pkgtop - Interactive package manager and resource monitor
  • grapheneX - Automated system hardening framework
  • Picasso - PIC16F877A based 5V/20MHz development board and PIC programmer
  • dotfiles - /home/orhun/

I maintain a handful of packages for Arch Linux, including some popular Rust software. I also contribute to Reproducible Builds and various other open source projects through this voluntary work.

I sometimes write blog posts and occasionally tweet about stuff. Feel free to reach me on LinkedIn about job-related matters.

If you want to support my work, consider becoming a sponsor on GitHub Sponsors or becoming a patron.

Ping me on IRC.libera.chat:orhun if you want to chat!

~ orhun.dev