Holiday Apartments


Project Overview

User Experience Design


Target audience

User stories

First-time User:

  1. I want to understand the purpose of the site and the services offered
  2. I want to easily register an account, possibly using social media account
  3. I want to feel confident that the data I enter is secure
  4. I want to understand the benefits of creating an account
  5. I want to be able to book my stay for a holiday

Returning Users:

  1. I want to easily log into my account

Site administrator:

  1. I want to log in quickly and easily
  2. I want to see what apartments have been booked, by which guest
  3. I want to easily add more bookings on administration end



Future features



Purchase process / Buyers journey



Database schema



Database models

Color scheme

The site uses a mix of standard black (#000000), and shades of grey (#a9a9a9) and red (#e43c5c).


Technologies Used

The site uses the following languages;

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Python


See separate Testing file for information on testing and issues.


See separate Deployment file for information about site deployment using Heroku.

How to fork the GitHub Repository

Forking the repository allows you to make a copy of the original in your GitHub account, and make changes without affecting the original.

  1. Log onto Github.
  2. From the list of repositories, select CatherineTrevor/the_marketing_ally.
  3. At the top of the repository, select the "Fork" button.
  4. This should create a copy within your account.

How to run this project locally

  1. Log onto Github: create an account if required.
  2. From the list of repositories, select 'the repo name/project name'
  3. Click the "Code" dropdown within the menu above the commits.
  4. Copy the URL address, or Download ZIP and save locally.
  5. Open your chosen IDE and navigate to the location you want the cloned directory to be saved.
  6. Type git clone and copy the URL within the CLI and press enter.
  7. Alternatively, select "Open with Github Desktop".
