Payment Gateway Plugin for BillBoxing


  1. Move the file “Cointopay.php” into BoxBiling/bb-library/Payment/Adapter/

  2. Login to BoxBilling Admin Panel

  3. Goto Configuration > Payment Gateways

  4. In “New Payment Gateway” tab, find the “Cointopay” and click Install button in front of it.

  5. When installation is done, goto “Payment Gateways” tab and click Edit button in front of “Cointopay” gateway.

  6. Provide “ Merchant ID” and “ Security Code”. (These can be found at account)

  7. Select the currency.

  8. Set “Enabled” option to “Yes”.

  9. Set “Allow one time payments” option to “Yes”.

  10. Set “Enable test mode” option to “No”.

  11. Click “Update” button.

  12. Everything is now set. Start using plugin.