
Simple Block Explorer v0.14.2.x is a simple and lightweight explorer written in PHP(no database required) with rpc call. Simple and easy to use. Beautiful and practical.

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NewBull Block Explorer

NewBull Block Explorer is a simple and lightweight block explorer written in PHP(no database required) with easybitcoin.php (get it here).

NewBull Block Explorer work with NewBull Core fine. It's should work with others pow block chain, such as Bitcoin.

For Windows11/10/8.1/8/7, you may download demo from here, and use (get-filehash "this file fullpath") with powershell to check the file hash sha256 must be C0EAA132B57D99CA88A5905BD0F4F5D19DC0BB10FA64900F72A736DF7438AC82. When you unzip it, just run start-newbull-gui.bat, if everything ok, you will see the demo.


  • Linux or Windows server of running NewBull Core
  • NewBull Core v0.14.2 with -txindex option
  • Apache 2.4.x
  • PHP 5.6.x with CURL and JSON support enabled


Installation is quite simple, and just complete the following steps:

  • Upload the contents of the archive to your server.
  • Modify the conf/config.php file with your own info and NewBull RPC info.
  • That's it! Open your any Modern Browsers to the install URL, and the block explorer should come up.


  1. If you do not know about apache url_rewrite, please turn off the url_rewrite configuration in conf/config.php file;


Below shows the URLs available:

  • / = Home page, showig recent blocks list.
  • /block/HEIGHT = displays all detail and txs within a block.
  • /blockhash/HASH = displays all detail and txs within a block.
  • /tx/TXID = View a single tx

Theme / Template Modifications

  • Content css, js, img, pages, header and footer files are in /themes/theme2/ directory.
  • CSS uses Bootstrap 5.2.3 as requested.


NB: NbUSBit9Q8mrDYPMwv6fW17rykThe3X735

ETH: 0xdA667f1921A2e454A1cD3E9D90c75a7c0EE94193







change version from 1.8.0 to, This means that the current version is compatible with newbull/bitcoin core 0.14.2, and this is 18th update;

add theme2 with bootstrap-5.2.3;

add auto detection about root path;

add highlight about navbar active item;

add Reward and Next Reward Blocks to Overview page;

add halving_reward_since, halving_reward_per_blocks to config;

remove explorer_path from config;

remove Home from navbar;

remove logo link from navbar;

change Explorer to Explorer Overview;

fix some known issues;

1.7.0 2021-11-27

add stats page;

make the block hash display shorter;

1.6.0 2021-05-31

add chaintips page;

1.5.2 2020-10-06

add retarget_diff_since;

1.5.1 2020-09-30

format weight same as size;

1.5.0 2020-09-25

add: block weight and version hex;

1.4.0 2020-05-18

remove: no longer used code;

fix: some bugs;

1.3.0 2020-03-28

add: next difficulty estimate;

1.2.0 2019-12-27

add: memory pool list;

1.1.0 2019-12-13

add: root_path in conf/config.php file;

fix: explorer_path in conf/config.php file;

1.0.0 2019-05-09


0.9.0 2019-02-21

fix some bugs;

0.8.0 2018-06-14


0.7.0 2018-01-04

fix some bugs;

0.6.0 2017-11-27

add theme system;

0.5.0 2017-09-06

fix some bugs;

0.4.0 2017-09-05

add some features;

0.3.0 2017-04-30

fix some bugs;

0.2.0 2017-04-29

add some features;

0.1.0 2017-04-23

first release;