
Converting PuTTY saved sessions to openssh .ssh/config file format

Primary LanguagePython


Converting PuTTY saved sessions to openssh .ssh/config file format


On Windows:

reg export HKCU\Software\SimonTatham putty.reg /y

Copy the generate reg file to a linux/osx machine Depending on the source system (mine is Windows 8.1) you might need to convert the charset:

iconv -f utf-16le -t utf-8 < ./putty.reg > ./putty-utf8.reg

Remove the first line (everything before the first [...] section header


python parse.py >> ~/.ssh/config

It needs a lot of improvement obviously but I needed this very quickly so it's quick 'n dirty.

PR's are welcome

PPK key files to openssh formats

Dirty mass convert:

for i in *.ppk; do base=${i%.*}; echo "Converting $i ..." ; puttygen $i -O private-openssh -o ~/.ssh/$base.pem ; done

On OSX you can install puttygen with brew install putty given that you have brew already.

On Ubuntu you can install puttygen with apt-get install putty

You might need to chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*.pem