
My personal emacs configs

Primary LanguageShell

Emacs Configs

These are my personal emacs configs. I’m not going to attempt to maintain a stable interface – they’ll change at my whims :)

I used to do a lot of pair-programming on shared machines, and kept a minimally-surprising emacs config for that.


These configs are written in a literate style using org-mode. Look in the configs directory to find them.

Where possible I use use-package and melpa to manage my dependancies. However, there are a few bits and pieces I couldn’t get that way, which I’ve had to include as copies. You’ll find them in the from-the-net directory.

The info directory contains an info directory file, with which we can plumb the mu4e into page into our overall info expereince.

Magit-toolbar is for if you want a toolbar button to invoke magit. Right now this config disables the toolbar by default, but you never know.