A cordova plugin to detect if the app is running in debug mode or not. Debug mode is when the app is built and installed locally via xcode / eclipse / the cordova cli etc, compared to release mode when the app was downloaded from the app / play store via an end user. Common use cases include:
- using a different API endpoint for development
- using a different push notification certificate for development and production
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-is-debug
cordova.plugins.IsDebug.getIsDebug(function(isDebug) {
console.log('Is debug:', isDebug);
}, function(err) {
- iOS
- Android
iOS - you will need to make sure the DEBUG flag is set in xcode for your development builds. Most of the time this should be automatic but sometimes you may need to configure it in xcode
- https://mobiarch.wordpress.com/2014/02/19/detecting-debug-and-release-builds-in-ios-and-android/
- https://github.com/ozexpert/cordova-plugin-device-meta