
Price Approval Manager

Primary LanguageVBA

Price Approval Add-In Excel Application

Instaling Add-In and registration

  • To use this Add-In first the PostgreSQL ODCB Driver needs to be installed. ODBC Driver Folder
  • There is no user registration posibility. Requests to acces can be made under issues.

Application Wiki

Datamanagement System


Price Manager

I. Client opens application:

  • Complets form data
  • Saves data (data to database) -Auto Notify Approver

II. Approver opens application:

  • List of all prices (Data from database)
  • Filters
  • Approve (marks as aproved)
  • Decline (marks as unaproved, notifies responsable user)
  • Export filtered data to new excel workbook

Application Form Context:

Client Fields (features and validation)

Condition Type

Feature: entry is required, default value "0001", prefilled.

Sales Organization

Feature: entry is required, selection value "0201", prefilled.

Distribution Channel

Feature: entry is required, selection values "01", "02", "03"


Feature: entry is required, numeric filed (format: "######")

Validation: exact 6 char length, range should be between [399999] and [599999]

ex. for validation failed:

[strings] [any special characters] [23423] [23452345] 

lenght is <> 6, contains invalid characters and not in range.

ex. for validation passed:

[453123] [592314] 

lenght is = 6, and in range.


Feature: entry is required, numeric field (format: "########")

Validation: exact 8 char length, range should be between [49999999] and [59999999]

ex. for validation failed:

[strings] [any special characters] [43423] [43452345]

lenght is <> 8, contains invalid characters and not in range.

ex. for validation passed:

[51234567] [57654321]

lenght is = 8, and in range.


Feature: entry is required, string field (format: "#.###,00") is currency

Validation: maximal 6 char length

ex. for validation failed:

[strings]  [any special characters other then "." or ","] [43452345]

lenght is > 6 and contains strings

ex. for validation passed:

[012] [512] [5123] [544321]

lenght is = 6, values displayed = [0,12] [5,12] [51,23] [5.443,21]


Feature: selection is required, dropdownlist

  • list values: EUR, USD, GBP

Price Unit

Feature: no entry is required, numeric field (format: "####"), prefilled value is "1"

Validation: maximal 4 char length

ex. for validation failed:

[strings] [any special characters] [43423] [43452345]

lenght is > 4, contains invalid characters.

ex. for validation passed:

[1] [12] [9999]

lenght is < 4

Unit of Measure

Feature: selection is required if Price Unit field hase a valid value, dropdownlist

  • list values: CAR, RO, PC, KG, LM, M2

Valid from

Feature: entry is required, numeric field (format: "##.##.####") is date, autocompeted as todays date, user is allowed to change the entry.

Validation: exact 10 char length

ex. for validation failed:

[strings] [any special characters other then "."] [43423] [43452345]

lenght is <> 10, contains invalid characters and it is not a date

ex. for validation passed:

[10.02.2009] [10022009] [31.12.2022]

lenght is = 10 and it is a valid date.

Valid to

Feature: entry is required, numeric field (format: "##.##.####") is date, autocompeted as [31.12.9999] date, user is allowed to change the entry.

Validation: exact 10 char length

ex. for validation failed:

[strings] [any special characters other then "."] [43423] [43452345] 
[10.02.2009] <= [Valid from field entry]

lenght is <> 10, contains invalid characters,it is not a date and equals or it is in passt date compared to Valid from field.

ex. for validation passed:

[10.02.2009] [10022009] [31.12.9999]

lenght is = 10, and it is a valid date.


  • Add Button
  • Edit Button
  • List (Currently added prices)
  • Save Button

Fields available for approver

  • Customer Filter
  • Approved/declined Filter
  • Approved/declined Date Filter
  • Saved/notSaved Date Filter
  • Export Button